How do I remove paint from fiberglass?
The house we bought has a fiberglass surround on the tub. For some odd reason, there's paint along where the grout will be. I've tried scraping it off with a razor blade, but that's not working. Any ideas? Will paint remover harm the fiberglass?
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it's possible the grout has a colored sealant on it. you can get colored sealants at a tile place, just aply over the existing sealant.
This looks like it’s stained into the fiberglass itself. Is it?
Automotive polishing compound?
Goo Off perhaps would help.
My Jacuzzi Roman spa had to be professionally re-coated because the stains wouldn’t come out and I tried everything.
Citristrip stripper is safe for fiberglass. Do not use any stripper with methylene chloride in it. Will harm the fiberglass leaving it sticky. Citristrip is a paste type stripper. Apply first coat with a brush. Let it sit for about thirty minutes. Use something plastic to scrape it off so not to damage the gel coat. Second coat, if needed, for any residue and a cloth to rub it off like polishing. Wear rubber gloves
Go get Krud Kutter. It took fire hydrant paint off my car without any damage.
Tooo Simple....
Gas or Kerosene