How long should I wait to paint a new pressure treated deck?
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i have worked as a wood finish supplier for over 20 years - fresh pressure treated wood should dry for 6 months...but the actual measure is the moisture content, which should be below 10% moisture content (ideal is 7%). the new pressure treated process is a water based chemical that will register on a moisture guage. they sell pretty accurate moisture guages at lowes/home depot for $30- 50, for a much better reading than the drip test...if finishing is your profession, i would go for a very accurate model (around $200). the surface dries the fastest, so make sure you push the pins into the wood(usually 1/4 inch) for an accurate reading. also, they do sell pressure treated lumber that is pre-dried, and ready for finish(much more expensive, and you will know if you purchased this type) but proper cleaning and pressure washing/sanding will ensure a even finish.