I am looking for the right color to paint my mothers massage room but we keep bouncing around from one color to the next

Robert W
by Robert W
We are looking for relaxing colors and nothing to dark. Been to home depot, Lowes and they were not much help. so dose any one have any advice to mood altering colors?
  26 answers
  • Robert, Are the massages done in lighted rooms are dimly lit rooms? I would suggest based on the 2 options. For brightly lit rooms, I would suggest whites, beige's and earth tones to calm the space. For a dimly lit room I would actually suggest some dark colors this wont dull the space but actually make it feel warm in addition to some accent lighting in the room. I'd still go with earth tones but a bit deeper in shade. What paint company are you buying paint from? I can help with some colors.
  • Robert W Robert W on Jan 16, 2012
    Thank -you for the direction I went exploring and came up with a great site that I was able to look at different colors. http://www.benjaminmoore.com
  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Jan 16, 2012
    You could also visit some spas close to your house to get some ideas from their decor.
  • I have used Martha Stewart's color Milk Pail, I think it will do the trick! It is a restful....blue/seafoam green lovely Spa color.
  • Depending on the room's theme and style of massage I will choose my color direction. Blue/ Greens for calming and soothing, beige and earthy tones for coolness, I wouldn't go near the yellows and reds.
  • Designs by BSB Designs by BSB on Jan 17, 2012
    I'd vote blue tones.... Ahhhh beach! Is it spring break yet? ;)
  • Jerrod W Jerrod W on Jan 17, 2012
    True... Earth tones... try sherman willians
  • Elizabeth G Elizabeth G on Jan 18, 2012
    It really depends on what you most want out of the massage and what the colors that your mother is drawn to. A light blue might be attractive and calming for you- but she may be more drawn to greens or pinks/reds. As a massage therapist I do not buy into the need for dulled down colors, music, sheets, etc...If your mother wants a hot pink massage room then that's what you should paint- because that is what will make her happy.
  • Shawn K Shawn K on Jan 18, 2012
    purple and blue mixed together
  • Jennifer F Jennifer F on Jan 18, 2012
    You can not go wrong with earth tones. Go with earthtones and do your decor by bringing in the senses (earth, fire, water, light). Keep it warm. Most folks are there to get away they are not looking for to be overwhelmed.
  • Mike N Mike N on Jan 18, 2012
    Wait a minute! Lowe's and Home Depot weren't very helpful? Say it isn't so........ Apologies in advance for the sarcasm :-)
  • Shari L Shari L on Jan 18, 2012
    Behr's grass cloth green is a very calm and relaxing color. Used it with a blend of wood tones: bamboo flooring, walnut, and oak trim and furniture. Brought in splashes of color w/ pillows and wall decor. It made for a wonderfully recupritive and refreshing environment.
  • Lisa F Lisa F on Jan 18, 2012
    this is a great example
    comment photo
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Jan 18, 2012
    Robert...when I was very young (7 or 8)I remember visiting some naval base type place...perhaps in Va. I remember two basic things from our tour ...The 1 was that an aircraft carrier was really big (like a small city with more than 2000 living there......The other had to due with wall colors...in the mess hall they were a light sagebrush green kind of color. Someone else on the tour commented on the colors and the tour guide's reply that after extensive "testing and research" That the greenish color we saw was the best at preventing or reducing the affects of seasickness ...he said that a version of orange was the worst...I remember that to this day...
  • Dianne H Dianne H on Jan 18, 2012
    Personally I like relaxing massages. I would use a soft shade of blue with soft light. You could use stronger colors for accents like vases or candles (nice smelling ones). I always feel more relaxed with blue walls and I would steer aways from reds, yellows, bright greens,
  • ANITA G ANITA G on Jan 18, 2012
  • @Kevin (KMS). Kevin, like me, you were 7 or 8 a long time ago. The population of one of those modern floating cities is up to 5,000 plus...:)
  • Najwa S Najwa S on Jan 18, 2012
    Benjamin Moore will match any color even if it is in a magazine. Since the room will be dimmed a pale blue or a buttercup yellow might just do the trick.. Browns are so last years fad!
  • Linda V Linda V on Jan 18, 2012
    Sage green
  • Jodi L Jodi L on Jan 18, 2012
    Probably stick with neutral colors like tans, creams, taupe, seafoam green, sage green, pale blue. I would however stay away from yellows though that might be too energizing.
  • Alberta W Alberta W on Jan 18, 2012
    Sea Green of course............
  • Candy W Candy W on Jan 18, 2012
    I would go with a pale green, it exudes the calmness and peace of nature.
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  • Kathleen M Kathleen M on Jan 18, 2012
    Please tell us -what material is on the floor, and is there any furniture in the room that must stay? I would love to help but we really need more information to be helpful. The color on the walls should be part of a completely planned design, not a jumping off point. Will there be art on the walls? A print or painting could be the inspiration for a color scheme.
  • Steve H Steve H on Jan 18, 2012
    The first thing I would consider is what is your mothers favorite color....She is the one that will be in the room the most. Second does the room have windows or is it an interior room that only gets light from the lamps in the room. Third her decor...Asian, traditional American, Southwestern or Modern. Earth tones are restful and blend well with incandescent bulbs or the use of candles for lighting. In my space I wanted to create the feeling of space and the taupe paint and dim able accent lighting helps with this by making the wall disappear and the lighting helps to draw attention away from the ceiling when my clients are laying on their back. Good luck with your project...In my mothers words..."your a good Son!"
  • Alberta W Alberta W on Jan 20, 2012
    I suggested Sea Green...what's wrong with that? Lol
  • Nancy Nancy on Mar 24, 2016
    Ok, now it's March, 2016, just wondering what color did you go with?