Paint old ice skates

by Julie
I have a pair of old leather ice skates. The leather is cracked-which I like, but I want to paint snowmen/winter scene on them. What should I do to prepare the leather and what kind of paint works best?
  6 answers
  • Katrina Warren Katrina Warren on Mar 03, 2015
    I have my mother's old skates like that, I would never paint them but I like the ideal! I would use acrylic craft paint, & wouldn't do anything in particular to prep the leather unless it's just super cracked.
  • Patricia Overstreet Patricia Overstreet on Mar 04, 2015
    I used Martha Stewart paint. My skates have hung outside for many winters , and they still look great.
    • Julie Julie on Mar 04, 2015
      @Patricia Overstreet Did you prep the skates or apply a sealer later?
  • Linda Hopkins Linda Hopkins on Mar 04, 2015
    You can use Sharpie pens, acrylic paints or go to Tandy Leather and buy their Cova paints. Then seal it with a lacquer spray finish.
  • Patty Patty on Mar 05, 2015
    If they're white leather,,,,I use acetone and rub the leather to clean them with,,I use a good quality white shoe polish (2coats) ,,then a seal coat,,I onlyuse 100% cotton fabric or cotton balls to work the leather,,they have always finished looking brand new. I learned this method in the ARMY!!
  • Luvzrozes Luvzrozes on Mar 05, 2015
    If you are truly turning them into art that you are going to hang, why not prep just the area you plan on painting the scene with gesso like you would a canvas? I'm not that familiar with painting on old leather, so it may not be an ideal medium. Leave the rest with the cracked finish you like.
  • Julie Julie on Mar 09, 2015
    Thanks for all your suggestions! I'm not sure which suggestion I'm going to use, but when I decide, I'll let you know how they turn out! Thanks again!