Painting over a wallpaper border.
Shari on Feb 19, 2013It is obviously better to take it off if you possibly can but if there is no way that border is coming off, yes, you can paint over it. I have personally painted over a wallpaper border in a bedroom, and several whole walls of wallpaper in a bathroom with good results. I would recommend using some type of primer to make sure the pattern is covered but It's probably not necessary to use an oil-based primer unless you already have it on hand. I used a latex primer like Kilz first, followed by a couple coats of latex paint, and it worked fine.Helpful Reply
Eileen Ozanick on Feb 19, 2013Thank you Shari for posting, I responded, but I haven't figured out this application yet. So I did cover with oil based primer and will apply a filler lightly over the seam and sand lightly then I think I'm ready to go. :)Helpful Reply
Eileen Ozanick on Feb 19, 2013That is what the fellow at the Sherwin Williams paint store suggested. When you painted the two coats, does the seam still show?Helpful Reply
Shari on Feb 19, 2013@Eileen Ozanick : I didn't use any type of filler and did not have any problems with the seams showing. I doubt anyone would ever even know there is wallpaper under the paint in the bathroom of my former house, and the guest room of my current house.Helpful Reply
Sue Sanders on Mar 31, 2015I scored my border and took spray bottle of water and sprayed and let set for few minutes and then took trowel and scraped off. If this not possible with yours paint with a primer and then paint with your colored paint.Helpful Reply
Rachel Z on Apr 05, 2015If the wallpaper has been there awhile, you can actually do something similar to what Sue mentioned. What I do is I get hot water and a sponge. Soak up the area over the wallpaper and around the edges really good. Wait a few minutes and it should start to come off. It may be time-consuming but you wouldn't have to worry about the edges showing.Helpful Reply
Dee on Apr 06, 2015Have you ever tried Fabreeze to remove wallpaper? Liquid fabric softener works too. I have had great success using both. Just score the paper, apply with a spray bottle and let it sit for a while. Peals right off!Helpful Reply
Sally-Charles Evans on Aug 13, 2015I have removed many a wall of paper and border...the only time I've had problems is when the paper hanger used Elmer's Glue "to make sure" the border didn't fall...I papered OVER that border! A steamer is a good paper/glue softener. They are rentable.Helpful Reply
Sandra Crosbie on Dec 05, 2015I would say if the edges are sanded it wouldn't be a problem painting over it. Years ago we moved to a house COVERED in woodchip paper with years of layers of paint. What a nightmare to get it off. We tried Every conceivable product known to mankind. Steamers liquid stripper,you name it we tried it. In the end we resorted to my dads suggestion of a paint burner. Ekkk it sure was stinky. The wallpaper wasn't coming down without a fight. So my suggestion to you is. If you paint over it let it dry then see if it shows through. Good luck and Happy Christmas to you.1 marked as helpful Reply
Cj Avery on Jan 05, 2016Steamers work the best, you should be able to rent one or buy a small hand held one, or you might try a blow dryer, just don't get water on or in it..You can paint it, I was told if you have more than one layer of wall paper the paint will eventually peel off, so if it doesn't have more than one layer you should be ok.Helpful Reply
KatAych on Feb 04, 2016If an edge still shows, you can always add a piece of moulding to cover it!Helpful Reply
Zep4660472 on Mar 17, 2016If your border and the wallpaper under it are tight to the wall, you can paint over wallpaper. I've had to do that. My home was built in 1921 and has plaster and lath walls so removing wallpaper can be tricky if there are cracks in the plaster and you can't or don't have someone who can repair the plaster. Good luck with your project.Helpful Reply
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