How to Spray paint moss?

  3 answers
  • Mogie Mogie on Jun 02, 2018

    Spray paint on moss or spray paint something that look like moss?

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Jun 02, 2018

    Hi Valerie,

    If you moss is living, paint can affect it's ability to get the carbon dioxide that it needs. However if you're talking about crafting moss, it's probably already dyed. In that case, yes you can paint it. The crafter in the link below did not use spray paint, but rather craft paint and paper towels to preserve the texture. Wishing you the best.

  • Dog10805806 Dog10805806 on Jun 02, 2018

    If the moss is living, there is a type of spray paint used by florists that is safe to use on flowers. I painted some of the flowers on some potted mums that that had turned brown from rain and they held up well. I think I got the spray paint from Michaels.