How do I keep the bathroom clean when dying my hair?

by 3po3
I am doing a fundraising bike ride, and I told my potential donors I would dye my hair a crazy color (or shave my legs, but hair dye won) if I raised enough money. I actually might have to follow through because I am close to the goal.
I remember a nutty college roommate dying her hair crazy colors and just trashing our rental apartment or dorm bathrooms. How do I dye my hair without turning the bathroom pink? Also, do I literally dunk my hair in bleach to lighten it first, or how do you "bleach" hair?
I know it's not really a home improvement question, but y'all seem to know about everything.
And yes, I will update my profile picture with pink hair if I have to go through with all this.
  34 answers
  • Having no hair makes it difficult to advise, but my wife works for L'Oreal in the plant that makes hair dye so I do have an in if it ever grows back. They have a foaming dye that works great or so I am told. But you may want to use the stuff that washes out. Any costume show should carry all sorts of washable hair dyes that you can use. Not nearly as messy as the old style stuff they used to sell.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jun 21, 2012
    Ohhhh steve ,did you really get in the mix! No no no. don't do a permanent dye. Even Beauty supply shops will help you with a wash out color. Or ask some kid with red or pink or purple hair what they use. When I do my hair, I spread an old towel out on the counter so drips fall on it and not the cabinets or floor. no no not use bleach!!! You might google or bing "how to ' temporarily dye hair
  • Christy M Christy M on Jun 21, 2012
    two words- COLORED HAIRSPRAY.... check party city or other costume shops...
  • Dee W Dee W on Jun 21, 2012
    By the way-what is the fundraiser and how can I contribute to it and the madness? hehehe
  • Dee W Dee W on Jun 21, 2012
    Bernice-although you can achieve punky colors just with color, some people do require pre-bleaching to gain the effect and to make it last.
  • 3po3 3po3 on Jun 21, 2012
    Thanks so much for all the help and advice. I knew I came to the right place. I am planning to dye it bright pink. That is what the voters have chosen. And my hair grows pretty fast and is really short, so coloring it until it grows out shouldn't be a problem. I don't know if temporary stuff would work. Since the hairspray and other temporary stuff washes out, I am worried that it will bleed all over my clothes and bike and such while I am sweating out two 75-mile rides. Also, my hair is pretty dark, so I don't know if pink dye will take without first bleaching. So is there hair bleach at Sally Beauty Supply stores? And if my wife helps me, can we pull this off without making a huge mess? The event is an MS Society fundraiser, a 150-mile 2-day bike ride, raising money for Multiple Sclerosis research and patient support. I am riding with and for a friend who has MS. Here is a link for donations, but I really didn't post this question to ask for donations. You are helping by giving your advice. Of course, you are welcome to donate, though =)
  • Dee W Dee W on Jun 21, 2012
    Steve, I didn't forget about you-yes, you and your wife can do this as long as you are careful. I am going to Sally's tomorrow so I can tell you exactly what to buy and give you an approximate price-then you can see if you'd rather go to a salon. I normally work with Wella products for my at-home clients but I will also check to see if anything else there will do the trick more simply. I will "message" you with what I find out as it can get lengthy.
  • Dee W Dee W on Jun 21, 2012
    OK, I just looked and I don't see how I can send you a private message.
  • 3po3 3po3 on Jun 21, 2012
    Yeah, I just noticed this evening that the messaging feature seems to have disappeared. Hopefully it is just a temporary glitch. Thanks so much for your help. Please don't spend a lot of time researching on my behalf. I don't want you to go out of your way. You have already been very helpful.
  • Dee W Dee W on Jun 21, 2012
    Not a problem, I have a few things I needed to get anyway. I just want to make sure cost wise which is the better way to go. How soon are you doing this?
  • 3po3 3po3 on Jun 21, 2012
    The ride is next weekend, but I am about $115 short of my promised goal, so if I can get it by then, I will be dying my hair sometime next week probably.
  • Dee W Dee W on Jun 21, 2012
    so you dye your hair if you REACH your goal? sounds backwards to me but I am glad I can help make it happen! :>)
  • Dee W Dee W on Jun 22, 2012
    Steve here is what I found: I went to Sally Beauty Supply 2 sprays --1) Streaks and Tips:Neon Pink $5.49 -- 2) Color Bond: Air Head Pink $6.29 Sprays are good until hair is shampooed. Or---- Temporary color(good for 4-6 wks.) You do need to pre-lighten. Beyond the Zone: Bleach Kit-includes everything you need (bleach, peroxide, bowl,brush,frosting cap/pick) and really good instructions $8.00 Beyond the Zone: Color Jam 2-Party Time Pink $6.29 (this is appled directly to your hair after lightening- no mixing required) You would also need a garbage bag with a hole cut out for you head to go thru or you can buy a cape $10 and gloves which they sell at the counter by the pair for 49 cents. Get at least 2 pair. If I was doing your hair I would buy the spray as well as the products for temp. color. (Just to see how well the spray works.) Then decide if you want streaks or to do your entire head. Maybe just the top? Might as well go When you decide then you will know whether or not you need the frosting cap. When bleaching, you want your hair to be as close to yellow (not orange) as possible. If you have any itching or burning rinse in cool water as soon as possible and shampoo lightly..don't try to tough it out. Chemical burns get worse before they get better! You are on your own now..I hope this helps and if you have any questions at all feel free to call me-you can e-mail me for my # @ Good Luck and I can't wait to see pictures!!!
  • Dee W Dee W on Jun 22, 2012
    Went to the site and am having problems donating in your name. Help- Advice? After all I want you to reach your goal.. ..haha
  • 3po3 3po3 on Jun 22, 2012
    Thank you very much. The site is not as good as the organization. The link I posted should go to the donation page in my name, but it's not really obvious. There is some small text at the top that reads: "With this donation, you are Joining the Movement toward a world free of MS! Your donation to the 2012 Colorado Bike MS on behalf of Steve Graham is greatly appreciated." Thanks so much for the tips. I think I will go get the Beyond the Zone stuff at Sally, and just go for it.
  • Dee W Dee W on Jun 27, 2012
    Steve, kinda late on this but you do know you can color over the pink whenever you want, right? Sorry I didn't think of it sooner-you won't need to let it grow out.
  • 3po3 3po3 on Jun 27, 2012
    Thanks. I kind of like it, and my hair is really short and grows really fast, so I'm not worried about it, but thank you.
  • Dee W Dee W on Jun 27, 2012
    It's done?,,,,,and you didn't post a pic? C'mon, I wanna see-and laugh...hehe
  • 3po3 3po3 on Jun 27, 2012
    I emailed you the photos, but maybe it didn't go through. Here you go. And laugh you should.
    comment photo
    comment photo
  • Dee W Dee W on Jun 27, 2012
    Oooooohh!!! This is a riot-I have been waiting to see these. it, what else can be said? The spots are a great addition to the look, HA-you have made me laugh and smile, thank-you. Thank-you also for taking time to make a difference in people's lives in many ways. Praying for cool weather, stamina, safety and a wonderful time of fellowship with your friend and the other riders. :>) Dee ps-didn't come thru the e-mail...thanks for posting here
  • 3po3 3po3 on Jun 27, 2012
    Yeah, a friend of a friend offered a $200 donation if I added purple spots. Someone said I look like a ladybug.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 07, 2012
    This is so super! How fun for us to follow your experience! yeah, a NICE lady bug! And has it grown out yet? Or are you semi pink, purple and brown haired?
  • 3po3 3po3 on Jul 07, 2012
    Ha. Bernice, thanks for asking. You are exactly right, my hair is a mess of pink and purple and bleached blond, with dark brown roots. I think my wife is going to buzz my hair tomorrow, hopefully just down to the brown roots, and everything will be back to normal.
  • Sharon B Sharon B on Nov 05, 2012
    Did this happen, did u meet your goal and dye your hair????
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Nov 05, 2012
    You know what? no, you do not know what. Why do I always say that? Anyway..I was just rereading this, and way up above, about the bleach, for some reason @Dee W I thought @ meant laundry bleach. Laundry bleach???Good gravy. What was I thinking. Steve when your kidlet is older this will be a super lesson for him to give of himself to others and, not take himself so seriously. Good parenting big guy!
  • 3po3 3po3 on Nov 05, 2012
    Ha, thanks @Bernice. And @Sharon, I raised $2,300. Stay tuned for more goofy dares and silliness next year, as I want to raise $3,000.
  • Sharon B Sharon B on Nov 05, 2012
    so did u dye your hair pink???????
  • 3po3 3po3 on Nov 05, 2012
    @Sharon, scroll up. That is not a mutant leopard in those photos. That is me with ridiculous pink hair and purple spots. All for a good cause. I have a dear friend who suddenly came down with MS a few years ago. He is the same age as me (37) and is showing no symptoms yet, but we ride together in the MS150 and I raise as much as I can.
  • Dee W Dee W on Nov 06, 2012
    You're a good man and a great friend Steve. Nice to see this post getting a little more attention. ~~Dee~~
  • 3po3 3po3 on Nov 06, 2012
    Thanks @Dee W. The MS150 is also really fun, so it's not all altruistic.
  • Marg C Marg C on Nov 06, 2012
    hehehe the purple spots really take it to the top! Kudos to your friend who offered $$ for those spots!!! What a great group of guys you must be with hearts of gold. I can hardly wait for next year :)
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Nov 07, 2012
    OH OH @Marg C that sounds like a challenge to @ ? What can his friends come up with next year even more outrageous? oh dear.
  • Susan S Susan S on Nov 07, 2012
    @ - AWWWW - I'M SOOO SORRY I missed the beginning of this!! What a great guy you are and it takes a really confident secure Man to be willing to go Pink w/purple polka dots!! Quite frankly, I love it!! Congrats on reaching your goal - 150/2 day ride is pretty ambitious. You definitely have to be in shape for that! I'm lucky to make it to the end of our street!!
  • 3po3 3po3 on Nov 07, 2012
    Thanks guys. Yeah, I'm kind of scared of what people are going to come up with next year. My 150 miles on a road bike is really pretty easy, especially when I see much older folks riding it on heavier bikes that are not made for distance. I have put 3,600 miles on my bike in three riding seasons, so it's not a big deal for me.