Old Filing Cabinet Makeover!!

by Barb
Transform an old, scratched grey filing cabinet into one looks great!
I had an old filing cabinet given to me and it sat in my garage...because it was useful but really didn't look that good. It was an awful grey colour and yes, it was useful but something that hid in the corner.
With a little bit of love and attention with spray paint and contact, I transformed this filing cabinet into a real beauty!
Visit the blog to find out the steps and how easy to was to revamp an old tired filing cabinet (much easier that you think!!)

For more home ideas visit www.sparklesintheeveryday.com
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  1 question
  • Elsa Elsa on Aug 29, 2024

    I plan to use wallpaper on the draw fronts. Did you wrap yours around or cut it?

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