Asked on Oct 22, 2015

Help with dresser turning it into kitchen island

by Kini
I picked up this dresser from a thrift store. It's in very good shape considering its age. It's all wood! No major issues inside or out. Just needs some TLC to the surface and new handles.
The top back lip looks easy enough to remove.
I really don't want to paint it because of some of the details. What I want to do thou is add on to the top or add a top so that it can also be an eating island.
If I just add a piece on the back I'm not sure I will be able to match the edge detail.
Your thoughts, ideas would be helpful.
The side
The front
The edge
Close up pic of front
Close up of back lip.
  9 answers
  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Oct 22, 2015
    It sure would be a shame to add a top that would overhang and cover up that lovely edge detail. I wonder if you did a top (butcher block perhaps?) that you could cut to sit perfectly on the top of the dresser so you could see the detail and then just over hang (a foot perhaps?) across the back for seating once you remove the back molding like you mentioned.
  • Z Z on Oct 22, 2015
    Beautiful piece. I'm glad you are not planning on painting it. What is it's height? Is it tall enough for an island, or do you need to add a new top to get the proper height?
    • See 1 previous
    • Z Z on Oct 22, 2015
      @Thank you Cindy. Since you want a bar/seating area at the back, I would suggest removing the top all together (it could be used with a new base for a desk or serving table) and see if you can find a remnant piece of granite large enough to use as one piece for top and overhang. Add a few brackets to the back and you're set.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 22, 2015
    Would a piece of granite work for a top? There are so many beautiful choices available to go with the beauty of wood.
  • Roxie Roxie on Oct 22, 2015
    Put some wood on the back that you can paint any color to match your kitchen. Add some small brackets to hold a shelf, then make that the eating area of your kitchen island. Your shelf could have any kind of edge on it you wanted. When I was at a HOME SHOW recently there was a company that made very thin granite veneer tops. They came out, did a measure and made the top to go over the counter tops that are already there. So if you have the plain wood and the wood top of the dresser one piece of 'solid' granite would look custom made.
  • Kerry Veen Kerry Veen on Oct 23, 2015
    That is beautiful. Those are my favorite handles. Granite or quartz is a good idea for the top and you can have it cut so it doesn't cover the detail. I'd add a piece of wood to the back and paint it a color to match your kitchen. What a fabulous island idea. Thanks for sharing.
  • Peppi Peppi on Oct 23, 2015
    i love the idea of adding brackets to the back and then adding a shelf on top. saw at hobby lobby great wrought iron brackets that would look beautiful!
  • Mary Take Massieon Mary Take Massieon on Oct 23, 2015
    Here is a thought. I took a dresser also, found a table at an antique store. Cut off part of it and purchased new legs. Love you are doing this. Have a great day.
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    • See 5 previous
    • JCowan JCowan on Oct 26, 2015
      @Mary Take Massieon that is so creative
  • Heather Workman Heather Workman on Oct 23, 2015
    I did paint my dresser/island because of some damage. I removed orginal top because I wanted overhang for stools in kitchen, and used kitchen table top. I had to brace it and it took some figuring out but now I love having drawers on island and it adds much needed character.
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  • Polly Zieper Polly Zieper on Oct 23, 2015
    This bureau is beauriful!!!Did yo look at DIY Islands on this site?
    • Kini Kini on Oct 23, 2015
      Yes, but most everyone painted theirs and add a new top.