Making a fairy house- how can I seal a pine log so bark stays on?

by Kenny
I want to seal a pine log, so the bark does not fall for a fairy house. I am building a fairy house from a pine log. I need to seal the bark to prevent it from falling off.
What do I use?
  7 answers
  • Ceh4874997 Ceh4874997 on Mar 28, 2016
    I pinned this from Pinterest, but I don't know anything about it. Good luck, hope it works.
  • William William on Mar 28, 2016
    Pentacryl is a wood stabilizer to prevent wood from splitting or checking. Wood turners use it. Not good for your purpose, plus it's expensive. What I have done is thin shellac down by 50% and really soak the bark. This allows it to get into small cracks and crannies. Then I apply a thicker coat of shellac which reinforces the first one. I used Zinsser SealCoat the last time I did this, and it worked well. You can then apply poly over the shellac should you choose, but you would not need to do so. Good luck with your project. Sounds great!
  • Bonita Snodgrass Bonita Snodgrass on Mar 28, 2016
    We have an EPIC fairy garden. Over a dozen little houses for all of my Granddaughters' Fae Friends. Will your garden be inside or out? Either way I found an amazing technique to create the look of rough bark. Our garden , because of the size, is in our front yard. Making it necessary for everything to tolerate our Southern Summer storms. If this is something that you would like to try please let me know. It is staggeringly easy and inexpensive. Here's a photo of the village winery ( don't judge) The fairies are partial to rose nectar and honeysuckle wines , pardon the tiny Frankenstein this was taken last October and wee monsters came to trick or treat! I have several posts pending on this topic, but if you are pressed for time my idea may help you out.
    comment photo
  • Ruth Grimley Ruth Grimley on Mar 28, 2016
    Please post pictures when your done!
  • Wayne Sheppard Wayne Sheppard on Mar 29, 2016
    Depending on how much it's going to be touched and how fragile the bark is, you could spray it with a urethane finish. This won't keep the thin bits from breaking off from pressure, but if that happens you can respray. If it's indoors and not going to be handled, you could even use a firm hairspray. Be sure to test a piece first though, to make sure the spray doesn't change the color too much for your tastes. You can also experiment with various levels of gloss. Pics please however you do it, and good luck!
  • Randy Hodges Randy Hodges on Mar 30, 2016
    Try Mod Podge.
  • Karen Campbell Karen Campbell on Apr 12, 2018

    I painted mine with several coats of Polyurethane