How can I make a tree out of wine bottles?

Ruth Hart
by Ruth Hart
I have a bunch of empty blue wine bottles. How & what could I make the tree part out of. I'm stumped.
  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 19, 2016
    There are many options for this actually. I bought an old tall standing wine rack at a garage sale. I painted it a bright color and inserted the bottles, If you narrow your search type in bottle trees and many come up here on home talk. I will also look on flea market gardening ( a very fun) website and pinterest.
  • Rae Rae on Apr 20, 2016
    If you have somebody that is handy and can weld you can use rebar.
  • Moonalisa Crabass Moonalisa Crabass on Apr 20, 2016
    A simple two-sided tree can be made with a 2x4 or 2x6, by drilling holes at an angle (just big enough for the bottle necks), then inserting the bottles from alternating sides. Another option would be a 4x4 post, again drilling holes at an angle, but this time inserting wooden dowels to fit inside the bottle necks. This would give you a 4-sided tree. Just be sure to alternate the placement of the dowels, so as not to drill through the post completely, and secure them with a weather- proof glue. Hope these ideas help!
  • Duane Duane on Apr 20, 2016
    I seen this done in Florida , I believe they used a 4x4 to make the base , and drilled the holes on an angle and put wooden dowels in the holes then stuck the bottles on the dowels
  • Gyr4801348 Gyr4801348 on Apr 20, 2016
    Had a 3 yr old tree outside by a bird bath that attracted ugly caterpillars that ate the thing bare. Took the pruners to it and left the branches just long enough to hold the bottles. Mostly blue, some green. Still looking for a red one.
  • Danielle Danielle on Apr 20, 2016
    Grab a sturdy branch from the woods for the trunk, cut the bottom flush and using 2x4 for the base, screw other branches on for the branches. All you pay for is the 2x4 if you don't already have scraps, and some screws. Copper pipe & fittings Painted PVC Wooden dowels Old fake christmas trees that you cut the tips off, leaving just the main branches Old circular shoe racks from the thrift store Just think of anything you can make stand upright that has parts that stick out and you can probably modify or repurpose it to work. Just depends how much time and effort you want to spend on doing it.
  • Jerri Jerri on Apr 20, 2016
    I can't weld so I used individual rebar rods. You can also use old curtain rods. Just make sure bottle opening fits on the end and that the rod is strong enough to hold weight of bottle. Vary lengths for interest. Rods can be placed in a row or in a cluster.
    comment photo
  • Wanda Smith Wanda Smith on Apr 20, 2016
    Another thought would be PVC pipe instead of wood. Same idea as the wood suggestions but use different sizes of PVC pipe instead of wood.
  • Kay Kay on Apr 21, 2016
    One Pressure Treated Wood landscape timber. Hammer landscape spikes in approx. two inches along sides depending on how many bottles you have. Dig two foot hole and place timber upright in hole approx. two feet. Fill in hole and tamp in firmly. Place bottles on spikes to display them. You could place birdhouse on top of timber or a final to dress it up more.
  • Sherry R Sherry R on Apr 21, 2016
    I can't weld either, so I purchased bamboo stakes. I just cut them to various lengths, shoved them into the ground and slipped the wine or beer bottles on the stake. Just make sure the stake is narrow enough to fit inside the bottles.