Asked on May 27, 2016

Any ideas on how to redo and make these chairs cute?

by Holly
My aunt gave me these director style camping chairs and I would really like to redo them and make them look more appealing. But I'm stumped as to what I should do or how to go about it. Suggestions?
  12 answers
  • Tami Pautler Tami Pautler on May 27, 2016
    I just saw how to use material to weave the backs and seats. I bought 4chairs and a table at the local thrift store for $15. Figured there had to be a way. Found it on Pinterest . I still need to remove old strips and spray paint. Can't wait to see them done.
  • Jean Myles Jean Myles on May 27, 2016
    Can you. remove the fabric easily? If you can I would. Reupholster them with some out door fabric and spray paint the the frame a coordinating colour.If not you could paint the fabric and spray paint the frame to suit your taste.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 27, 2016
    I would buy some fabric paint and paint the upholstery and paint the metal a coordinating fun color. Cost wise it would be a lot cheaper and your own creation.
  • MN Mom MN Mom on May 27, 2016
    This style of directors chair is very easy to recover. You can even buy replacement seat and back pieces that just attach easily with heavy duty snaps. Go to and look at all the options! I would look at replacing the fabric rather than trying to paint them. Once they are off, you can clean up and spray the frames and then put on your new fabric update.
  • Polly Zieper Polly Zieper on May 27, 2016
    Help answer this question...If it would be too difficult to remove the cloth, or if you can't sew, I'd paint the cloth, and paint the metal in a coordinating color.
  • Cheryl Markus Reynolds Cheryl Markus Reynolds on May 28, 2016
    Since everyone said the obvious for redoing the frame, seat and back - I'll focus on the arms. Depending on how thick you want your arm rests, either use a piece of pipe insulation or a pool noodle. If you use a pool noodle, you'll have to cut down one side of it. Cut the arm piece to the length you want it. Cut a piece of fabric to fit around it and glue it in place. Add a little extra glue on the ends to prevent fraying. When dry, "snap" them on the arms. You could make a few different sets of covers and arms to change out periodically.
  • Rose Rose on May 28, 2016
    Spray paint everything but material. Wipe down/wash material...pick a stencil and then spray paint
  • LindaK LindaK on May 28, 2016
    Those are all great ideas, I have those chairs also. Thanks.
  • Cynthia Cynthia on May 28, 2016
    You could do the obvious- spray fabric in a camouflage print (or the frame of the chair) and spray the frame a gun metal color or vice verse.
  • M. M.. M. M.. on Mar 10, 2017

    I sit in a chair like this at work, and I think you should adapt some tie-on cushions for the seat and back, with whatever other idea/inspiration you choose from the suggestions above. I think you can get rectangular in premade cushions, you might just have to move the ties to the right corners or add some ribbon ties if there aren't any on the cushions at purchase. It helps the chair look like more than "just" a camping chair. I don't really advise paint on these chairs becoz' if people sit on them with bare legs, the paint can feel very hot and sticky..

  • You could even add some kind of fun trim to the sides of the chair to dress it up a bit or make it more fun. The fabric stores have so many varieties to choose from.