Asked on Jul 13, 2013

Painting Old Formica Countertops

Karen Robinson
by Karen Robinson
I have been researching this topic and it seems that an epoxy paint is the best thing to go with. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to buy it or anything else to do with this subject? Our countertop is old, but still in good shape. Just needs a facelift. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
As you can see, the countertop is pretty decent, just old. Would like to use a paint that I could have tinted a color of my choosing.
Close up of the formica. Needs a facelift.
I hate it so much that I keep it covered with a lot of things that I could probably put in my pantry.
  35 answers
  • There are several formica counter paints available to make your counter look just like stone. Check out your local HD or Lowe's or this web site for just one of the many brands out there.
  • TJ TJ on Jul 13, 2013
    Rustoleum has a new product called counter top restore. We are considering it for our bathroom but haven't been able to find any reviews on it. but you might want to check it out --its at all of the big home improvement stores, Lowes, Home Depot, etc.
  • Karen Robinson Karen Robinson on Jul 13, 2013
    Thanks, TJ. I will look into it. I just want something durable to give this countertop a great new facelift. Again, thanks!!
  • Becky E Becky E on Jul 13, 2013
    I used the Giani product mentioned by Woodbridge. I did my kitchen countertops in July of 2010, it still looks great. I also did a bathroom countertop with what I had left last year. I ordered my kit online but I have since spotted it in some bigger WalMarts.
  • Larose LoganOakes Larose LoganOakes on Jul 14, 2013
    Here is the Rustoleum countertop products at Lowes:Here is a review that you can check out: You might want to go to their website and look at the color selections.
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  • Karen Robinson Karen Robinson on Jul 14, 2013
    Thanks to Becky E and Larose. I will definitely check out both products. I'm now getting excited about this makeover.
  • Becky E Becky E on Jul 14, 2013
    Karen if you have Facebook you can find Giani there. There's lots of before and afters.
  • Tanya Peterson Felsheim Tanya Peterson Felsheim on Jul 14, 2013
    I have heard it is very expensive to paint the countertops and make they look so great, like 300-400 to get the great look, I got my entire kitchen, and bathroom along with 6 inches of granite backsplash for about $1900! Just wondering if replacing the formica might be just as cheap as painting them?
  • Elizabeth Elizabeth on Jul 14, 2013
    The Rustoleum product was labor intensive, but gave a very good result. I used it 3 years ago in a rent house to cover a counter from the 1950's. I had to cover 14 linear feet of counter, covered by 1 kit at a cost of less than $300. Still looks great.
  • Lou Lou on Jul 15, 2013
    Consider a entirely new countertop. We had a terrible laminate that couldnot be refinished so we replaced it with Silestone from HD. Going on 6 years old and looks brand new. I do not work for HD nor Silstone. Just a simple homeowner. Link to HD countertops:
  • Shirley803 Shirley803 on Jul 15, 2013
    I love my silestone too! I've had it at two houses.
  • Beverly Beverly on Jul 15, 2013
    I used Giani on my bathroom vanity. It was about $69 and I had a lot left. It was easy and fun to do, looks great and has held up well. I did chip it recently (my fault) and sent them an email asking for advice and they were so nice and helpful. Repair went well, it can barely be seen. I'd recommend it.
  • Wally R Wally R on Jul 15, 2013
    At an Annie Sloan Chalk Paint class that I attended, the instructor said you could paint counter tops with that but you had to put several coats of the Annie Sloan wax on it to seal it for every day use in the kitchen or bath. She said she had painted several and knew that people have painted tables, etc. with this and they have held up really well. Haven't tried it myself so this is info I've gathered.
  • Terri Simandl Terri Simandl on Jul 15, 2013
    Here is a link to a formica topped dining room table that has been painted:
  • Leslie B Leslie B on Jul 15, 2013
    Beverly..what is Giani ??
  • J J on Jul 15, 2013
    I worked at Home Depot & had several customers that used the Rustoleum product & they all raved about it. Said it was time consuming but well worth it. I live in Alaska, it's roughly $70 a box although I'm not sure how much countertop a box covers. Good luck & be sure to post pics for us :-)
  • Wanda sinnema Wanda sinnema on Jul 15, 2013
    I had the same counter,,, in a house....As for paining it,, I've heard and seen ads for a new TILE paint by Rustoleum, daven't heard any results, or if there is an application for counters.. I have tangerine counter mid 50's vintage,,,I would LOVE to redo..... will keep up on your progress......
  • Rachel Medina Rachel Medina on Jul 15, 2013
    I tried using the Rustoleum product and was horrible!! Waste of money, just my opinion. I am a total DIYer, it was not good. So I ended up painting the bathroom counters and then sealing them with polycrylic and loved it, so I did the same to my kitchen and they look beautiful. People thought that they were granite countertops:) I used several different colors that I had and sponged them on (grey, black, cream and some tan). I had several of my friends come over and they loved it and ended up doing theirs also. I figured I would try and see, anything was better than what I had and I could always finally break down and redo them. So far 4 yrs later they have held up. I think last year I applied another coat of poly and that was that.
  • Leslie B Giani is a brand of counter top paint. See my first post on this subject.
  • Shirley803 Shirley803 on Jul 16, 2013
    I'm watching for ideas for our music director's house. The countertops in their kitchen are 2 (yes 2 ) different types and two different colors. Also there is a burn mark on one. If we use one of these products will you be able to see the burn mark and the different colors?
  • Beverly Beverly on Jul 16, 2013
    Yes, it's the product W.E. mentioned in the first comment. has good information and pictures. Kit comes with clear instructions and a video. Shirley, I doubt that you would see burn mark or color difference. The black primer will let it all start out the same. After I did my bathroom vanity I used some of the left over to make a laundry room counter top out of old plywood and other scraps and it came out good too.
  • Shirley803 Shirley803 on Jul 17, 2013
    Thanks Beverly! I'm going to suggest this to her! I'm excited!
  • Patti Lemaire Patti Lemaire on Jul 17, 2013
    I painted mine with BeautiTone Melamine paint after scrubbing the surface with tsp cleaner. I did three coats letting it dry 24 hrs between coats and it looked like brand new counters. I hoped it would last a year, it's been 10 years and it is just now needing a re-coat. Good luck.
    • Cathy Norton Cathy Norton on Apr 21, 2015
      @Patti Lemaire What is tsp cleaner? Where did you buy the BeautiTone Melamine paint?
  • Cheryl Norman Cheryl Norman on Jul 18, 2013
    Lowes home improvement sells a kit to redo your counters
  • Tanya Peterson Felsheim Tanya Peterson Felsheim on Jul 19, 2013
    @Patti Lemaire about how much did it cost you to do your counters?
  • Patti Lemaire Patti Lemaire on Jul 19, 2013
    only about $35.00 I only had to buy a quart of the melamine paint, I have 25 feet of counter I painted and had enough paint left for one more coat or touch ups. I would do this again in a heartbeat, easy update for sure. Good way to live with a colour light or dark to see what you like if you want to invest in new counter tops some day.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 20, 2013
    I have posted this before but,both my friend and I painted our formica countertops. We cleaned them well, then used plain old LEFT OVER LATEX PAINT we had on hand, then several coats of poly. Hers was in the kitchen, mine in the bathroom, then she later did hers in the bathroom ...that was years ago and it is still holding up well. She did a marble looking effect, I did a plain cream color, over the old yellow formica that was sooo popular in the 70"s! ack! Hardly cost us anything! Mine served for about 3 years until I finally found a piece of formica that looks like granite. Instant gratification, until something better comes along! Go for it!
  • Jeffrey Whitmer, Sr. Jeffrey Whitmer, Sr. on Jul 20, 2013
    I use a high end XIM waterborne primer for these now. ( @50 gal) It sticks great, then I can put an array of different products depending how hard you are going to need the new surface to be. How hard are you on it? I like some of the new two part waterborne epoxies.
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  • Tanya Peterson Felsheim Tanya Peterson Felsheim on Jul 20, 2013
    I like to hear how people do this without buying those expensive kits they sell! This is so much more manageable!
  • Patti Lemaire Patti Lemaire on Jul 21, 2013
    only cost about $35.00 for the quart of paint to do 15 - 20 feet of counter.
  • Laurie Cullen Laurie Cullen on Oct 21, 2013
    We painted my mother's countertops that looked pretty much like yours. We sanded the counters and then taped off everything nearby. We used a spray paint that added a stone finish. 3 light coats of the spray paint and then several coats of the companion varnish. My mom loved it. Held up pretty good but I think now we're going to use a polyurethane brush on varnish for a more lasting finish. We used 4 cans of spray paint and 4 of the varnish. It looks great and was alot cheaper than using the specialized countertop paints.
  • Karen Robinson Karen Robinson on Oct 21, 2013
    Thanks so much. I think that's what I'll do. Use the stone finish spray paint and then the polyurethane brush-on varnish like you said. Sounds so much simpler than some of the other ways. :)
  • Laurie Cullen Laurie Cullen on Oct 22, 2013
    Help answer this question...It was easy but smelly. :) Also cheaper.
  • Kathy Plante-Hunt Kathy Plante-Hunt on Jan 04, 2016
    I sanded my old butcher block Formica. I applied an oil based white primer by Kilz. I followed by 2 coats of semi gloss black paint from Walmart. I then coated twice with a poly. While it was still tacky I lightly dusted with an onyx fine sparkly glitter. I love how it turned out.
    • See 1 previous
    • Pg Pg on May 09, 2016
      @Kathy Plante-Hunt Did you use a latex paint after the Kilz or an acrylic paint, and did you roll it, brush it, or spray it on?
  • Beverly Beverly on Aug 21, 2016
    After cleaning your surface well, use chalk paint(and dry brush a second color over), then use water base poly----- many coats allowing 24 hours drying time on between coats. Ours in 2 bathrooms has held up well.