Asked on Aug 24, 2016

Whitening laminate kitchen cabinets

by Patricia
We had our kitchen cabinets refaced with white laminate about 10 years ago. They have gotten dingy looking over the years. Without repainting them, does anyone know of a product out there to give them that bright white look again? Thank you, Pat
  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 24, 2016
    I do not know if this will work but worth a try first.Make a mixture of 1 cup vinegar mixed to 2 cups water and a tablespoon of baking soda. Apply with a soft white rag and wipe. If that does not work Home Improvement stores may carry a laminate cabinet cleaner. Becareful it does not contain any bleach.
  • Jol8591556 Jol8591556 on Aug 24, 2016
    Try cleaning with TSP, it is a powder cleaner from a Home Improvement store. Then use a spray bleach, let it sit on and rinse off
    • Patricia Patricia on Aug 24, 2016
      Thank you. I will make a point of picking up some TSP this weekend and give it a try with the spray bleach afterwards. Can't wait to try it!
  • Deanna Mills Deanna Mills on Aug 24, 2016
    Have you tried using straight bleach? Pour some on a old cloth and apply it to the cabinets. I use bleach to whiten stains left in coffee cups and even in the sink. You might try it on the inside of a door or the bottom corner of a drawer.
  • William William on Aug 25, 2016
    The first culprit is exposure to direct sunlight, which tends to jaundice or fade painted wood (and laminated surfaces). You should consider draperies, blinds or window film to shield your cabinets from direct sunlight. ******************************************************************************************* The second culprit is actually using your cooktop. As soon as you start cooking, those mouthwatering aromas rise into the air in the form of microscopic food or grease particles, and since they have to land somewhere, why not on your white cabinets? The result? Cabinets that turn yellow. ******************************************************************************************* To prevent this, you can’t let grease accumulate on your cabinets. As soon as you begin boiling, broiling or deep-frying, turn on the exhaust fan or range hood to filter out at least some of those minuscule bits before they reach the surrounding surfaces. ******************************************************************************************* Removing a yellow tinge this way: Wash your cupboards with a fizzy mixture of 1 cup vinegar, 2 cups warm water and 1 tablespoon baking soda. To keep cabinets white, give them a monthly “bath” with a solution of warm water and a grease-busting dish soap. ******************************************************************************************* If more thorough cleansing is required, use a solution of mild dishwashing liquid mixed with warm water. After cleaning, wipe all surfaces with a clean, damp cloth. Dry immediately using another soft, clean cloth.
  • Patricia Patricia on Aug 25, 2016
    Thank you. I didn't know that. However,they aren't in direct sunlight .
  • Peggy Peggy on Aug 25, 2016
    Have you tried Mr. clean Magic Eraser?
  • Deanna Mills Deanna Mills on Aug 25, 2016
    If straight bleach, don't work I'm sorry but don't think any thing will. Paint will not stick because it is not porous. Best of luck, I will follow this blog, because who knows, there might be a magic solution out there and I would love to know about it.
  • Teresa Eller Teresa Eller on Mar 03, 2020

    Did you ever find anything that worked. I have the same problem

  • J Brown J Brown on Mar 04, 2020

    We installed laminate cabinets almost 20 years ago, Mills pride from HD. They look like the day we installed them still bright white and no de-laminating as others have experienced. I do cook every night and only "scrub" them down every 4-5 months with greased lightning. I guess we have just been lucky.

    comment photo
    • Melecity Melecity on Apr 04, 2021

      I didn't know this existed. I have the same problem in an apartment I just moved in to and will be trying this today!

  • Pd148796465 Pd148796465 on Mar 05, 2020

    Denaturated alcohol (at Lowe's or HD) just test on back of the door first. It will take the sheen of the finish but you can bring it back with stuff like orange glo or other cabinet polishers.