Looking for a clever chalkboard for a playroom- ideas?

by Mary
  5 answers
  • Ladimeemaw Ladimeemaw on May 07, 2017

    they now have chalkboard paint, you can draw an outline of any thing the kids like on the wall and paint with it

  • Kelly Howard Kelly Howard on May 07, 2017

    Mary, I think this idea is so cute! It looks easy to paint also.

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  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on May 07, 2017
    I bought a small piano bench, cut the front leg off about 3/4inch . painted it . The seat part I painted with chalk paint and put a decorative piece of wood at the lowest part (keeps chalk from falling off). Be sure to put child hinges on it so it doesn' slam on the tiny fingers.
  • V Valencia V Valencia on May 09, 2017

    You can recycle old framed art from the thrift store. Paint with chalkboard paint. You can paint the frame to match the decor of the room.

  • Mindy Mindy on May 09, 2017

    If you don't want to use chalk paint on a whole wall, you could paint a large piece of plywood and put moulding around it to dress it up. Add a small shelf to hold chalk and erasers.