Stick to the same color pallet througout entire home?

Lisa Upole
by Lisa Upole
I like light shades of gray for background but also bright white accents. I have shades of aqua/turquoise so far in my bathroom. Considering staying with this throughout the living room & kitchen with a few touches of coral. Any suggestions?

  5 answers
  • Sounds lovely to me! If you like it - it works. Decor choices are very personal. Remember Sara Richardson on HGTV years ago when she bought a house and every episode was a different room? On some of her homes she kept the color pallet similar throughout the entire home or at least the entire level. One house she did, she used a different color in each room, but was tied together by style of furnishings she used. Your home is an expression of you and your family. If you love something you will find a way to work it into your design. I kept a similar color pallet through my house as it is tiny and semi-open concept - except my office. I went for a different look altogether. When I go to sell the house, that room will be repainted as it is too taste specific and would put people off. So use those colors but do not be afraid to have a different accent color in each room if you so choose.

    • See 1 previous
    • Oh how sweet of you! Thank you very much. How boring would the world be if we were all the same??? Everyone has their own style and we should celebrate our differences and appreciate them. We should surround ourselves with things that give us joy and evoke happy memories. Besides, when people visit your home they are there to see you and your family, not your stuff . . .

  • Tam13317878 Tam13317878 on Jun 21, 2017

    Sounds very pretty

  • 861650 861650 on Jun 21, 2017

    Do you have an open floor plan or no? Do you want to decorate your house in a cohesive colors?

  • Carole Triplett Brooks Carole Triplett Brooks on Jun 21, 2017

    I think the corals and turquoise accents would go perfect with grey walls and white trim. in my home I used grey semi-gloss and white oil based paint. It takes longer to dry but looks so much more professional and is much more durable. With the grey and white you can always change your accent colors without having to change the wall color. Sounds very pretty.

  • Bobbie Bobbie on Jun 21, 2017

    Sounds lovely like a beach theme. Pillows, throws, rugs, pictures all if these will add those colors and add pop of color to your gray and white.