Decorating for the holidays in florida

by Sandra
Hello, I live in Florida and have a hard time marking it feel like Christmas does anyone have any decorating ideas?
Thank you

  5 answers
  • Janet Panos Janet Panos on Nov 06, 2017

    Hello Sandra! If you go to Google and type in Christmas in Florida decor, a slew of ideas will appear for a coastal Christmas! Enjoy looking through them and picking out the ones that most appeal to you!

  • Rhonda Rhonda on Nov 06, 2017

    Oh my you can do anything you want! I live in the south too and was from the north, so I miss not having snow for Christmas, but we put out inflatables in the front yard, and we deck out the house! We change out our bathroom to Christmas, put up a tree in just about every room in the house with different decorations (this took years to build this with clearance after Christmas deals), we cover teh dining room table in a nice Christmas centerpiece that is large (just add pieces of what you have until you get the size you want), and every table elsewhere is stripped and Christmas is set on it! If you have any glasses that sit out or vases, put ornaments in them to draw in color and Christmas spirit!

    comment photo
    • Sandra Sandra on Nov 06, 2017

      Very pretty. Yes I am also from the North and miss the Christmas feeling. Thank you

  • Angie Bakx Angie Bakx on Nov 06, 2017

    i used to live in the tropics and always made the inside of my home feel cozy. I took black electrical tape and taped off squares on my window,,like in the victorian days look,,,then I took snow spray and sprayed the corners of the squares to make it look like a snowy day. I did this on the inside of the windows. To clean it after christmas I just washed it off with windex and took the tape off. Voila,,summer again. Sorry I have no pictures. Hope this helps

  • Kris Neumann Kris Neumann on Nov 06, 2017

    I have seen front lawns covered with white snow flakes (the kind you buy at Walmart) and large candy canes lining the sidewalk.