Is it difficult to whitewash brick? Please see photos

by Alyssia
  13 answers
  • 2dogal 2dogal on Dec 07, 2017

    I am so leery of doing anything to my brick fireplace, paint wise, as I know there's no going back.

  • Holly Kinchlea-Brown Holly Kinchlea-Brown on Dec 07, 2017

    never done it myself, but HAve seen several posts showing it done...doesn’t look any more difficult difficult than painting a wall

  • Kathy Kathy on Dec 07, 2017

    I just completed whitewashing my fireplace and it looks better than I ever thought it would! It looks so clean and fresh and opens up the room. It's easy to do. Mix white ceiling paint (leftover) and water, about half and half. Brush it on, wipe off til you achieve the look you want. I used both a wet rag and dry rag for wiping. It took about 2 hours for a BIG fireplace and hearth.

  • Connie Connie on Dec 07, 2017

    your bricks are such a pretty color. Are you sure you want to paint? I'd put a more impressive mantle up, remove the metal grids as they detract from focal point of mantle.

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Dec 07, 2017

    So easy to do - I have done five of them and love them all! Here's the latest one that I did using Waverly brand chalk paint ($6 a bottle - used 2 of them) from Walmart (craft department). Use a medium sized brush and paint all of the mortar lines first and then a very stiff brush to dab each brick individually. It goes very fast once you start and makes such a difference in updating your room.

    comment photo
  • Schwarzy Schwarzy on Dec 07, 2017

    I just did mine and I love it. It's not hard, just a bit time consuming.

  • John Grimley John Grimley on Dec 07, 2017

    It is no more difficult than applying paint to any wall.


    Be warned, once painted, it is really difficult to remove since the paint finds its way into every nook and cranny. Whilst you might think the end result looks great, it's not to everyone's taste & this may put off potential buyers in the future

  • Joanne lueke Joanne lueke on Dec 07, 2017

    My advice after extensive experience doing this is to start with less than 50/50 mix water to paint, more like 80% water/20% paint. You can always do a second coat if you want more coverage but can't go back. I used a bucket and an old t-shirt and wrung it out before applying to the brick. Make sure you tape off anything you don't want painted (use the green painters tape to insure a crisp line with no bleeding under the tape).

  • Eli31511828 Eli31511828 on Dec 07, 2017

    We white washed our brick and the transformation was amazing. Brightened the whole space. Love it.

  • Cuddles Cuddles on Dec 08, 2017

    I agree. I would leave the beautiful brick. It's elegant and rich looking. I look at paint as a quick cover up for a problem and quick resolve. I'd try different accessories for a new look. Don't have any idea then turn to various magazines. You can visually see before buying anything.

  • Cuddles Cuddles on Dec 08, 2017

    B I U ☺️