What is the best waterproof sealant? Outdoor use. Spray and brush.

by Koc3163111
For painted stepping stones; touching up paint on tin metal garden decor; painting a bird bath (so it would have to be non-toxic); painting bird houses that are just decorative (non bird use), metal baskets, etc. I've used PYM II spray - fast drying, acid free, inkjet print safe, water repellant polymer clay safe, light fast. It works great but it's a spray and now I can't find it in my stores. I really need something that probably is applied with a brush because some of my projects will be fairly large. I'm also going to paint an old wooden bench. Maybe I need more than one kind for the various projects. I used the PYM on stepping stones and it was amazing, they haven't faded in 3 years and I used acrylic paint to paint them. Thanks so much.

  7 answers
  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Dec 14, 2017

    I have just used generic big box store clear polyurethane spray on tons of outside projects - big and small. It has held up very well. You have to do a few coats. Let it dry well in-between.

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Dec 14, 2017

    There are so many on the market - but this is my "go-to":

    comment photo
    • Koc3163111 Koc3163111 on Dec 14, 2017

      Thanks Cindy, I've seen that and had considered trying it, will give it a try. Rust-oleum has good products.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Dec 14, 2017

    Just make sure it is made for outdoor use, I use marine poly for outside jobs. Two years and still going strong on the wood steps outside my back door, even with four dogs constantly going in and out the doggy door and sleeping on them. For metal I always use Rust-oleum products.

  • Koc3163111 Koc3163111 on Dec 14, 2017

    Thanks, Nancy - great advice, I'll be trying it out.

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Dec 14, 2017

    I agree with Nancy & (Cindy), meaning marine poly and Rust-oleum products. Rust-oleum makes a marine poly and also various kinds of brush-on and spray-on sealers. Wishing you the best.

  • Koc3163111 Koc3163111 on Dec 14, 2017

    Thanks so much Linda. I think all of these suggestions are excellent and will work.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Oct 02, 2022

    Use the right one for the job! You are saying many different surfaces. Just check out the Labels before purchase!