Removing Wallpaper

Diane McDade
by Diane McDade
We moved into a condo 5 months ago and it hasn't been changed since the eighties. Wallpaper done professionally on ceiling, doors, pantry bifold door and walls. I have no idea how to remove wallpaper. Help, please.

  9 answers
  • Caseyem11 Caseyem11 on Dec 18, 2017

    You have my sympathy. I have rented wall paper steamers from Home Depot to remove wal paper. The steamer fills with water, a hose from the base runs to a flat plate that emits the steam. Hold the plate up to the paper for a bit, then scrape the paper with a metal putty knife. It is not a fun job, especially on the ceiling.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Dec 18, 2017

  • Carol Carol on Dec 18, 2017

    ve at times been able to remove a whole strip this way. Worked on paperbacked wallpaper and fabric backed. If it is a vinyl coated paper, the thin coating sheet will pull off and make re,oving the paper backing easier when you wet it. Wet, let stand for a few minutes and scrape with a flat scraper.

  • Carol Carol on Dec 18, 2017

    whoops, lost the first part! Look for a edge on the paper near the baseboard that you can get loose. Pull, slowly in and inward and upward motion. I've been able to remove full strips this way. Not always, but many times it worked.

  • Holly Kinchlea-Brown Holly Kinchlea-Brown on Dec 18, 2017

    If the wall paper is the prepasted variety, peel the first layer off leaving the paper backing. Then soak the walls in a warm water and fabric softener solution, gently scrape the paper off with a paint scraper. Wash the walls to remove any residue

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Dec 18, 2017

    Consider renting a steamer form a paint store. Then where that does not work consider scraping with a paint scraper and hot water mixed with a commercial product made to remove wall paper. From my experience - put down plastic with newspaper to sop up the water and mess. Be careful not to scrape into the plaster.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Dec 18, 2017

    We have never used a steamer. We’ve had great success with the paper tiger wall paper perforator tool and spray-on wallpaper remover products similar to these listed below. Best wishes on your renovation adventures!

    comment photo
  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Dec 18, 2017

    This really works (I just removed wallpaper that was 20 years old!)---- fill a bucket with very warm water and add 2 cups of liquid fabric softener. After scoring the paper, wipe this solution on the wall with an old towel or t-shirt (use a lot of it). Wait a few minutes and the paper should peel right off.

  • Cristine Schwartzberg Cristine Schwartzberg on Dec 18, 2017

    we removed four layers of wallpaper by using a tool to score the paper and then using the fabric softener solution to soften the glue. To avoid scraping plaster, we used a plastic scraper. Initially we didn't realize that there were four layers of wallpaper. Because of all the layer, we had to make several passes around the room.

    We got the solution ratio from the good housekeeping website.