The easy way how to make this kommode in to a vintig white one?

by Iri16941941
  5 answers
  • Iri16941941 Iri16941941 on Jan 18, 2018

    Hi, Sandra.

    Unfortunately I have to make it alone so I need someone to give me instructions or tips and triks how could it happened.



  • 2dogal 2dogal on Jan 19, 2018

    There are lots of u-tube videos with step by step instructions on how to turn your kommode into a vintage one. Since you want white, use white paint if the example is using a different color.

  • Pam Pam on Jan 19, 2018

    I took an old buffet bottom from dark brown walnut to a soft grey.

    took out drawers and removed swing doors. used a hand sander to rough up surface [ fine grit paper], then used a small foam roller and small foam brush to paint a primer on, let dry 24 hrs , then applied paint with small foam roller, dry 24 hrs , go back over edges and some surfaces areas by hand sanding with fine grit paper to take off some of the paint to make it look aged or stressed , sand were ever you think it would look appropriate. hope this helps......if you live in denver area, will be glad to help

    • Iri16941941 Iri16941941 on Jan 20, 2018

      Thanks, Pam. You help me a lot. Could you give me also an advise what kind of paint will be the best for covering.

      P.S. unfortunately we are living in Europe;)

  • Pam Pam on Jan 20, 2018

    you need primer for acrylic paint, and then a good quality acrylic paint i used sherwin Williams , i used an electric hand sander to rough up the surface to remove the shine from original surface, then just rolled on primer, let dry 24 hrs , and painted, let dry 24 hrs..i did not use the old stress look on this piece, just keep the paint as was after can see in the pictures that the original was quite dark...did not paint the drawer interiors

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