What's the best way to remove old wallpaper?

by Robin
I would like to paint my laundry room. There is some old, dark, gaudy wallpaper trim that will not come off!! Can I just paint over it?

  6 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jan 23, 2018

    no you have remove it, the paint will not adhere correctly.what have you used?

  • AmAtHome AmAtHome on Jan 23, 2018

    Everyone I've talked to, including some professional painters, has recommended against painting over wallpaper. I am dreading it because the former owners of our house must have LOVED the stuff. We did paint over some trim in our office bathroom and so far it's been o.k., though you can see where the edge meets the wall. It's been less than a year, so I can't say how long it will look alright without peeling or anything.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jan 23, 2018

    I would not recommend painting wallpaper.

    Removal options-We have never used a steamer. We’ve had great success with the paper tiger wall paper perforator tool and spray on wallpaper remover products similar to these.

    comment photo
  • Ellen Hoffinger Lowe Ellen Hoffinger Lowe on Jan 23, 2018

    Prescore the wallpaper then use fabric softener diluted with water. Spray on. Let sit peel off paper.

  • William William on Jan 23, 2018

    Normally I don't recommend painting over wall paper. But there are times that it's the only option. If it does not want to come off because the walls were not sized or primer then the only solution is painting the wallpaper.

  • Joanne Joanne on Jan 23, 2018

    If nothing was put underneath the trim such as paint or a primer directly underneath the wallpaper it could be very difficult to remove. You would only have paper to paper. Be careful not to dig into the wall board. If it is vinyl wall covering, than scoring the vinyl on wall covering and soaking it is your best answer. Use a putty knife scraper and have patience. Along with the paper remover solutions. You may also need a light cote of spackle to cover it if it does not come free and go over it , then sand lightly to smooth it out . Prime it before painting .if you spackle over. patience