Water spots on refrigerator there I get water & ice

by Ronda
My Samsung refrigerator where where I push to get Water and ice it is stainless steel and I always get water spots. I can't seem to get rid of them. I've tried baking soda.

  4 answers
  • Sheila Moreno Sheila Moreno on Feb 14, 2018

    I use vinegar

  • AuntQueenie AuntQueenie on Feb 14, 2018

    I'm not sure if its safe to use on stainless (so check the box before using) but the ERASER pads that remove scuffs marks, crayon etc might work. If that does remove the spots, you might try putting a tiny bit of oil, only on the problem area to create a barrier. I would say coconut or at least an oil that won't get sticky. Maybe test on the back of fridge first. I suggest this because my father in law, who laid tile etc for many years, told me to use lemon old English liquid furniture polish and rub over new grout, let it set then rub off excess to prevent calcium build up and mold. I wouldn't use the polish on the fridge though! : )

  • Mugs smith Mugs smith on Feb 14, 2018

    plege will polish

  • Rosanne Rosanne on Feb 15, 2018

    I also have a Samsung "stainless" refrigerator, as well as a dishwasher, that gets plenty of water drip lines. I spray with white vinegar and use a microfiber cloth to rub off. If the water streaks stubborn, I let the vinegar sit for a few minutes before wiping off