How to paint a recliner chair from a pink color?

by Guy21320340
  5 answers
  • DebM DebM on Mar 10, 2018

    Use a 50/50 mix of chalk paint/water. You can tint it by adding food color to the mix for specific color. Brush on with large chalk paint brush liberally, scrubbing it in with a fine sanding sponge. Brush it vigorously with a scrub brush until soft after each coat has dried. Repeat until you reach the opacity and color desired, usually 2-3 coats. Enjoy!

  • Essie Essie on Mar 10, 2018

    There are chalk paint tutorials all over Pinterest and You Tube for painting chairs. Good luck! I've seen great results out there!

  • Gelaine Fasse Buhk Gelaine Fasse Buhk on Mar 10, 2018

    clean it and paint it with fabric paint.

  • Janice Janice on Mar 10, 2018

    There are lots of great examples of successfully painting sofas, chairs, recliners, etc. Also various "recipes" for how to accomplish this. Also, some articles saying it didn't turn out so well. Some say to mix water base paint with fabric medium purchased at hobby/craft store. Some say to mix paint and water 1:1 ratio. They key to success seems to be to get the chair fabric moist by spraying water on it, then applying the paint mixture onto the chair with a brush or sponge. Then sanding lightly and applying another coat. I did a sample (cut off some small pieces from the underside of my chairs) and experimented. So far I haven't found any combination that I like that also feels as if it would be comfortable to sit on (especially my recliners).

    If you do this and are happy with your results, please post so we know it worked! Some people say you don't need the fabric medium, but used fabric softener mixed in with their paint. Good luck to you, hope it works for you.