Safest way to paint this set?

by Cassandra
The concept of this serving dish is so cool but the red/ orange poppies are not my thing! I want to paint it but not sure what kind of paint to use. The back piece (one with handles) and lid are the only parts that would ever need to go in the oven and the surface area that touches the food wouldn't need painted. Is there something safe to use on this? And what prep would be needed, other than the scrubbing it desperately needs! Thanks!
  5 answers
  • Sharon Martin Sharon Martin on Mar 27, 2018

    looks like you may have to contact a person who does pottery .. you may have to use a glaze then have the piece fired in a kiln to seal the paint on

  • I am not sure of anything that is oven proof that can be done after market. There is paint for grills but that would be black and I don't think that is what you are after. I think Sharon has a good thought about contacting a potter.

  • Catherine Ballas Catherine Ballas on Mar 27, 2018

    I'd talk to craft store, your can paint this, its not going in oven correct? Don't give up, it's cute.

  • Penelope Clantz Penelope Clantz on Mar 27, 2018

    What are these made of? Glass, tin, ceramic, plastic... I cannot tell from the picture and would hate to guess wrong and ruin the dish.

  • Coolfurniturelady Coolfurniturelady on Mar 28, 2018

    We as DIYers always want to change what we have when there may be someone out there who may love it the way it is. Consider selling and finding something you love instead. Some people really love poppies.

    I have a funny story that goes with this image. A few years ago I was hired by a designer to recreate a broken toilet seat cover to resemble the Sherle Wagner Poppy pattern for a client. This client had her whole bathroom done (some time in the 1980's, I believe) in this pattern, not just wallpaper and shower curtains, but the sink, and toilet were hand painted in this pattern and matched with the gold-plated fixtures in the set. The toilet seat cover alone would have been $1600 and attached to the seat that had cracked. I re-created a similar image on a newer, plain seat/cover. The factory sample of the wallpaper looks like this:

    comment photo
    • Patty S Patty S on Mar 30, 2018

      I love it, I collect pottery with poppies on them. I agree with Amy. There is no way to paint an already fired piece.