How can we take this to a lighter color fast. Used too much stain.

Stephanie Ward
by Stephanie Ward
Now with too much stain. Tried mineral spirits to bring back some of original color.
Look closely, you’ll see where some patches to fill in holes are they are rough.
This is original color. Used the brown to try to cover up the white patches.
Home starts showing tomorrow. HELP!
would like to lighten it even try to put some strokes of other color to look more like patio stones.
  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 05, 2018

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Apr 05, 2018

    I might consider just wetting it a lot and let the sun bleach it out. This time of year shouldn’t take long.

  • Ray Porter Ray Porter on Apr 06, 2018

    Did you stain it?

  • C C on Apr 06, 2018

    I might try pouring bleach on it and letting it sit in the sun.

  • 2dogal 2dogal on Apr 06, 2018

    Be patient - it will fade in the sun.

  • Cynthia Nye Cynthia Nye on Apr 06, 2018

    Think it's awesome as it is!

  • Sandy Sandy on Apr 06, 2018

    There is always the chance a power washer could remove some of it. They seem to be very effective on everything I use them on.

  • Ray Porter Ray Porter on Apr 06, 2018

    I think you better contact the stain manufacturer on that one. My neighbor used a stain sealer on her concrete patio and yo be honest with you it looks permanent. Are the cap stones glued down? If not you might want to think about replacing the caps. Sorry for yiur trouble I wish I had a better answer.,

  • Sharon Sharon on Apr 07, 2018

    How was it applied? If this is straight stain naptha might remove it. You can get it at home depot. But wear gloves long sleeves long pants and eye protectors. You should be able to use a heavy duty brush a couple of them. Follow directions and do not use water. Do not use a wire brush also.

  • Sharon Sharon on Apr 08, 2018

    If naptha doesn't work then go to paint store and get the exact color it was. You will have to do a wash over it. 1/2 cup of water to 1/8 cup of paint. Apply with smooth rag quickly. The faster you go the better it will come out. Do not try to be precise then it won't look natural