Looking to paint house to add color - advice?

by Wendy
My home needs color. The living room/dining room kitchen. I have pine wood throughout the house with lots of beige. No color. The walls are pale green depending on the lighting. beaut vaulted ceilings covered in pine with European hardwood floors. I love color. Help!

  8 answers
  • Bijous Bijous on Apr 07, 2018

    Your house sounds lovely; it just needs that pop here and there. Although you have lovely hardwoods, you also need to think about "seating" your furniture in a spot, so think rugs. The rug should not be extremely small for your seating arrangement, but it doesn't need to cover your entire floor either. Some designer say your furniture has to all sit on the rug, but I say only the front legs need to be on the rug. While these colors may not be to your liking, it shows the placement I'm talking about. Good luck.

    comment photo
  • Sharon Sharon on Apr 07, 2018

    maybe change the wall color? Or try adding new decor with some colors that pop! Do you have pictures? That would give a better idea of what you have to work with!

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Apr 07, 2018

    Hi Wendy,

    How about painting one wall in a color you like as a focus wall. Then pick up that same color with accessories in the room. That will give you some pops of color along with the beautiful wood. You can do a focus wall in more than one room. Wishing you the best.

  • Bets Bets on Apr 07, 2018

    Accents of Red and other bright colors to enhance the room. Pillows , flowers in vases , Any decor items with nice colors .

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Apr 07, 2018

    Pick a main color (like coral). Use different variations of it throughout the house, depending on lighting. Pick an accent color and put it in each room in three places, for example a vase, a pillow cover, a lampshade. Use that color in different ways in each room. For example, my accent color is cobalt blue. I have variations of it in every room from vases to paintings, but, not the same thing in every room. I have cream carpet and neutral covers on my furniture. That makes it easy to cozy it up with quilt throws, colorful pillow covers, etc. Pick a color you love, and build from there. Have fun with it. Paint is easy and inexpensive for updates. Accent pieces can be rotated and used in fresh ways. Look at what you have and go from there. Start with an accent wall in the color you like if you are hesitant to commit.

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Apr 07, 2018

    Well you seem to have answered your own question Wendy, you know that you love color,so go with it, and it doesn't have to all be the same. Pick colors you love and make you happy. Goodness I love color as well so I would encourage you to be happy in your home that you pay for not to stick with neutrals nor with trends but colors you love. Each room should or could have its own personality just by the color you decide on. Kitchens get cooked in so a red in areas would be great or an orange or yellow, food has color. Dining room could be whatever you want as well. Just go with it life is short enjoy your home the heck with being in a box. Pine is light so color can still be used without darkening the room and vaulted ceilings, are you kidding me those rooms can handle color. Please don't do accent walls,it's such an 80's thing. If your going to go color then jump in with both feet. If you are concerned then just do one room at a time probably the one without the vaulted ceiling. If you feel that you really aren't sure about using different colors then spread the love with accessories that are in the color you choose to the other rooms. Or if your really scared then start with accessories in your favorite colors and spread them throughout your rooms that just may be enough for you to feel comfortable and add colorful art work in large pieces that you can do yourself or buy at a tjmaxx. That's in stint color without commitment. Low cost and yet you still express yourself and are surrounded with what you love and when you are ready then put paint on walls. Paint is expensive and time consuming and unless you have the scaffolding you will probably have to hire someone so be sure before you do it that's my only disclaimer.

  • Alberta Coulter Alberta Coulter on Apr 07, 2018

    Most realtors will tell you to stick with neutral colors and use color in your accents, maybe in drapes, couch cushions, seat covers and accent pieces like vases. Bright colorful wall hangings would help too. If you look at pintrest there are all kinds of tutorials for making your own wall hangings and you can choose the colors you want.

  • Liv Liv on Apr 07, 2018

    I personally recommend painting the walls a fresh white, and adding color with your furniture and art. I would recommend using these fun colors. Teal, Yellow, and Blush. These colors are energizing, positive, and calming.