Can someone tell me how to fix a "bad" dry brush paint job?

Sheryl Metz
by Sheryl Metz
We had stained plywood on the wall...too I tried to dry brush a cream color on top. Some of it looks good, most of it does NOT. And you can see starts & stops. Just wondering if there is a DIY process to make it seem more like reclaimed or driftwood. The bedroom is "beachy"

  2 answers
  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Apr 16, 2018

    Sand it down with a hand sander and the real trick with dry brushing is to use different colors, so I would suggest, white, tan, ivory, and a teal - layer them thinly on, sand in between to get the right look.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 19, 2022

    Oh dear!. Rub or sand it down. Go over the whole lot with a coat of silver grey, then, Corse dry brush it (But this time, run up and down with the grain of the wood planks you wish to replicate). Dry the brush of paint, for every plank).