How do I even begin to fix my Moen tub/shower faucet?

by Angela
The other day when I turned the water off after my shower there was a little leaking so I jiggled the handled and it stopped for the most part. It did it again and did not stop fully for a while. I kept messing with it and it stopped. Well today I went to turn off the water and it would not turn off. I kept jiggling and moving it around and was quite in a state of oh now what. Well I have no idea how I turned it off finally, but now it will not come back on at all. Sinks in the house work and other things, but not the bathtub/shower. I have no plumbing skills and really do not have the money to spend hundreds or thousands on a fix if it is actually something I could fix myself. So I am reaching out to here with hope someone could point, lead, draw me a picture or something. Please help if you can. I am desperate. I can live without a lot of things but not a shower. It is an older Moen set.

  4 answers
  • Teacup8885 Teacup8885 on May 19, 2018

    Could maybe take a picture of it!!?

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on May 19, 2018

    Hi Angela,

    See if this video helps. It's a Moen shower faucet repair video. Wishing you the best.

    • See 1 previous
    • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on May 20, 2018

      I'm so glad to hear that Angela. I actually saved this video because I know that one day soon, we're going to have to fix ours!

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on May 19, 2018

    Many faucets have cartridges inside. You can take off the handle, remove the cartridge and take it to a plumbing supply store for a match. Make sure you shut off your water at the main before doing this

    • Angela Angela on Feb 04, 2019

      Thanks to Linda's suggestion I went on YouTube and found a video for my model of cartridge and was able to repair myself. Very empowering moment for me.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 19, 2018

    Great viddeo, very helpful, makes it look easy!