How can I put a design or paint my ceiling?

Robin catogge
by Robin catogge
We live in a jubilee so our upstairs bedroom ceiling the 2 sides go down in a slant so I was thinking put design on them or paint different color do you have any suggestions
  6 answers
  • Wallpaper in a big bold pattern would look great here. Most come pre-pasted now for ease of installation. There are also removable wallpapers, like peel and stick too.

  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jun 08, 2018

    Or, you could try stenciling your ceiling. Cutting Edge has some great Stencils - I used one of their patterns on my bathroom wall.

  • Lina Splichal Lina Splichal on Jun 08, 2018

    I painted my ceiling white and put a broad strip of black around the edges. Then I screwed in personal art works so it looks like a large picture of pictures.

  • Bijous Bijous on Jun 09, 2018

    Get a paint strip of a color you love. Make sure the strip has at least 3 variations of the same color. Now, dark colors "fall back" meaning they make the wall appear deeper than it really is. Use the darkest color on the bureau wall and other door wall. Paint everything: the door casings and the doors that color. Next use the next darkest color on the slanted wall and the other two and the lightest on the ceiling. Lovely.

  • Lori Lori on Jun 09, 2018

    sonrI have used joint compound so far in our guest bathroom, we just made x's in the compound while applying it, hub helped me on that (how can ya mess up on making x's) In the kitchen I did the joint compound myself. While watching youtubes about it, one suggestion was when it comes to the "design" put in the joint compound, one person needs to do that. So in the kitchen, I first started out thinking I wanted, I guess "checkerboard" pattern. I was going to take tines of whatever I could use to "rake" accross the compound one way, then intersect the other way, well, needless to say with a few trials n error, that didn't work out. ( I found out doing that the compound needed to be thicker than it needs to be, just my personal opinion) So, I just went with commas (,) sorta kinda, randomly as I went along, turned out pretty cool. I have been searching and searching for a true grey color to paint it, but geesh. I have rethought that, just going to paint my cabinets a dark grey and go with white on ceiling....

  • Mar1960067 Mar1960067 on Jun 09, 2018

    I have two large rooms with similar walls. With so little light bouncing off of the small ceilings, the original off-white paint was depressing. In the bedroom we painted the walls and ceiling white, although the ceiling is a flater sheen. I always start the design of a room around the fabrics. The walls can be painted in any color to match. In that room I designed a stencil to coordinate with the comforter. I made the stencil out of poster board, you paint on the shiny side. In the second room we used a darker color on the curved walls, to help the curve appear to recede. We used a lighter shade on the straight, non curving walls. In our case this was more to break the room up into two different spaces. In both rooms I used painters tape to get a clean line to define the ceiling from the curved wall. Start the tape in the highest corner of the flat wall. While it is tempting to treat a curved wall like the ceiling, the result is confusing. The curve on our walls was high enough that it didn’t need any decorating but yours is much larger. Perhaps a serious of 3 geometric or small patterned, very little detail, painted images would work. You could frame them with very thin boards or paint a frame as well. But a darker receding color might be all that you need.

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