I want to use chalk paint for my cabinets, how do I seal them?

Meldaisy Tullos
by Meldaisy Tullos
  2 answers
  • 16999903 16999903 on Jun 10, 2018

    HI Meldaisy...what a beautiful name! My daughter just finished painting all her kitchen with chalk paint and it looks gorgeous! The top is before, the bottom is after. They have black appliances and a white sink. The kitchen is open to the den.appliances, and a white sink. The kitchen is open to the den.

    She chose white on top with a clear wax coat. The bottom is a charcoal gray, with a brown transparent wax coat to warm it up. The black was too dark by itself. You paint it on with a regular brush. She decided to hand rub the wax with a cheesecloth to get a shiner sheen.

    It's really best to not use the cabinets for a few days to allow the chalk to cure. The longer the better. They just moved, and this is their house getting ready to be listed. She wishes she had done it sooner to enjoy it. Good luck, you can do it!

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