How do u repair a hole in your wood molding, that you can't take off?

Diane Basile
by Diane Basile
I have molding in my dining room I just bought the house, I saw this piece that looked awkward. I checked on it, and my finger went right through it. There was a huge hole that was covered up. This molding can not be replaced as it was specially cut.

  6 answers
  • Pat Pat on Jun 14, 2018

    How big is the hole? Can you fill it with wood putty, sand and then paint?

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Jun 14, 2018

    Wood glue.

  • William William on Jun 14, 2018

    I agree with Pat. Depending on the size of the hole fill it with wood putty. A photo would help.

    • Diane Basile Diane Basile on Jun 15, 2018

      I will take a picture, just a little hard. Right foot in cast, left shoulder in a sling lol I need bubble wrap!

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 14, 2018

    use wood putty, if the molding is stained make sure you use stainable putty, wood filler

  • Amy B Reineri Amy B Reineri on Jun 14, 2018

    If the hole is rather large, try putting some scrap wood inside it before using the putty, since a big area of putty will be sort of soft. There is also the possibility that insects created the void behind the patch, if insects or dampness caused the hole, filling it won't solve the issue - you will need to get rid of the insects or moisture.

  • Diane Basile Diane Basile on Jun 18, 2018


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