How can I turn this oddly shaped tree stump into a birdbath?

by Julia

This ugly old tree stump has grown on me to the point where I want to turn it into a birdbath without completely covering it up. I’d like to keep as much of the natural look of it as I can. Any ideas? Please keep in mind that I’m very much a beginner with the DIY concept and I’m a single grandma who owns no power tools besides a cordless screwdriver. I don’t think I can saw wood either. Nope, don’t have a saw 🤷🏼‍♀️

  8 answers
  • Jeri Jeri on Sep 20, 2018

    Find a round vessel either metal or glass, to fit in between those cut off limbs. See if it will just rest on it first but if not get some E6000 glue and glue it where it touches. This is the easiest way and the birds will love it! You may want to either plant some foliage close or set potted plants up around it to provide coverage for the birds.

    • See 2 previous
    • Lottie Crafts Lottie Crafts on Sep 21, 2018

      I would go with metal of some sort and screw it into the stump. Pre drill hole put some silicone caulk in the hole screw the bowl down and caulk around the screw or screws which ever you decide to use. Good luck.

  • Ray Porter Ray Porter on Sep 20, 2018

    Google threaded bird bath. You can buy a mount that would actually screw into the the stump. The bird bath I saw is copper and is pretty nice. Worth checking out!

  • Deb Deb on Sep 21, 2018

    I would check out the local Goodwill store for items that you could use. bowls, trays, etc... then I would make 2 birdbaths.. level the stumps off and let your imagination go wild!!!

  • While the e6000 is waterproof, it does not do well in the sun, it will separate. GE makes a clear silicone caulk that will hold up, I've got lots of little glass projects in my garden that I've glued together and the ge silicone is the only thing that's worked. Check local thrift stores for fancy little bowls

    comment photo
  • Lucy Marie Bernier Lucy Marie Bernier on Sep 21, 2018

    Use a metal garbage can lid. Paint it before U put it up.Screw it it on the upper one and use some type of fixture to keep it on andleak proof it.

  • Silicone is nontoxic, totally safe 👍

  • Mrg2811822 Mrg2811822 on Sep 23, 2018

    If you have access to rocks or can visit a retailer who has biggish rocks, I would choose the most birdbathy two. Given your familiarity with the stump, you would know the candidates. Lava rock would be a hit with the birds. Then choose your glue, caulk, and maybe a friend and....


  • Betsy Betsy on Aug 22, 2023

    Hello Julia: Cut the tops flat and seal them. Then, get something like a large metal garbage pail top, cut off the handle, and nail it to one of the flat surfaces, poking holes in it for drainage, and then put your birdbath tray in that. On the other one, you can make a bird feeder. What I have is the top of an old metal outside table. It has grids in it so that it's sort of like a fence. I took the legs off, left the side handles and put one of those plastic divided condiment trays on it. Now everyone has his own bathtub :) I just used those large metal staples, 1" long, to attach it to my stump.