How do I decorate my bedroom?

by Adriana

My bedroom has a step down and the bed is in the hightet leven , wanting to break room from step with moder drapes please help . Adriana

This is a photo as is today I want to upgrade / redo

  4 answers
  • 34354174 34354174 on Feb 13, 2019

    Can't see the entire room, so it is hard to advise. From the picture, I would not use drapes.

    I am guessing I can't see the room, but maybe put the bed at the higher level, as you said it was, facing the lower level and put a love seat in the center of the step down. Make the lower area a reading/sitting area. Maybe an office for daytime.

    A better of the full room would help.

  • E s desanna E s desanna on Feb 13, 2019

    Simple light to mid-weight linen in white or off-white will look fresh, and are timeless. Weight the hems and let hang straight, or tie back 1/3 from the top. There are many synthetics out there that mimic linen for easy care. Personally, I like the real thing. I don't iron them & the slightly relaxed look makes them a little homier.

  • Amanda's Mercantile Amanda's Mercantile on Feb 13, 2019


    I would recommend taking the current drapes down first and see how you feel without them for a week or two. It doesn't look like they are needed for privacy and they might be making the room feel smaller, especially with the step-up.

    After living without them for a bit, if you decided that you still want something there then coming in with a skinner curtain rod and install it as HIGH as you can and about 3 inches wider then window trim. Doing this will help the window it's self feel bigger. I would choose sheer, straight curtain panels, just because it doesn't seem that need them for privacy.

    I attached a sheer curtain examples below, how to install, and a Link that has some panels for sale:

    Hope that helps!


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  • Adriana Adriana on Feb 13, 2019

    Ok all ideas are good , sorry about the pic of the room. Im

    going to try the sheer and also the light beige or white linen and see how i like it , if not I will returned them . I will post the pic with the drapes I decide to keep . Thank you so much for all the great ideas :)