How do I find a stud in an angled ceiling in a mobile home?

  3 answers
  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Feb 17, 2019

    check this vid for some help

  • Pat Pat on Feb 17, 2019

    Would a studfinder tool work? Inexpensive at hardware stores.

  • Lana Ryland Lana Ryland on Feb 18, 2019

    A stud finder does not know if you're on a wall or ceiling. It finds the studs regardless...they're smart but they aren't smart enough to determine where you're looking. If you have a cathedral ceiling, you can bet there is a support at that peak. Traditional framing in non mobile home will run every 16 inches or so. If you go to the end of the cathedral ceiling where it meets an outside wall, you should find your first ceiling stud there. Put your stud finder there and see if it idenitifies the first one. From there, you can start looking every 16 inches but I doubt in a mobile home they will be every 16 inches unless they have improved construction in those in recent years. Remember your stud will run at a "right angle" to your center support...not side by side.