How do I replace an outdoor plug?

by Barb

outdoorplug not working, can I replace it or do I call electrical man? Lot of spider webs in it.

  6 answers
  • Barbara Taft Trono Barbara Taft Trono on Mar 16, 2019

    You can turn off the breaker to it. Be sure no power with a tester. Take cover off and vacuum out. Unscrew the two screws holding it in and look to see if anything became disconnected. It’s not rocket science to replace, lots of YouTube videos. But if you are totally not ok attempting diy-call an electrician.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Mar 16, 2019

    Does the electrical outlet have a weather resistant cover, or is it open to the elements? If so, it may be rusted and/or simply gunked up inside.

    If you have some experience with basic home wiring, you should be able to have a go at replacing it yourself. I would recommend purchasing a new exterior GFC outlet with a proper weather resistant cover.

    comment photo
  • Gary B Gary B on Mar 16, 2019

    First, check to see if it's a "ground fault" may just need to be reset. may be on the same circuit as an outlet in a restroom or kitchen, if there is a dead receptacle there too. If you don't have a 'non-contact' voltage tester, get one, about $6.00, this will tell you if there is electricity to the receptacle or not. If you have power to it, then it's the receptacle, turn off the breaker, test it again and replace it. You can do it

  • Cindy Cindy on Mar 16, 2019

    Try vacuuming it out first.

  • Chris Chris on Mar 16, 2019

    first make sure it is not wired to a switch in the house as mine are. Plug two things into the outlet outside-one on the top and one into the bottom, and then try all the switches inside. You might just save yourself allot of work and bother. Someone, yourself or a visitor, may have flipped the switch by mistake.

  • Brenda Brenda on Mar 16, 2019

    I always shy away from electrical repairs. I recommend an electrician for work like this. They are specialists and know what is code for wiring.