How do I paint over a stone floor in the bathroom?

by Phyllis

I have a house that has beautiful expensive stone floors in kitchen and front room and bathrooms. I want to paint the bathroom floor as these stone floors in there always look dirty even when I cleaned them. What kind of paint do I get and can I paint over them?

  4 answers
  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Apr 04, 2019

    Here's a video that might help you -

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Apr 04, 2019

    You can stain/dye the stone with a concrete/masonry dye/stain. It permeates the stone and it will never peel. I’ve used it many times.

    It is mixed to whatever color you want. Keep in mind that once it’s a dark color, you can’t dye it a lighter color. Unlike dying fabric, you can’t bleach this dye out, once it’s dyed.

    I would use two compatable colors and apply it in a stipple effect with cut to size foam brushes. You can even cut the foam brushes in shapes, like squares or triangles, if it works with your motif.

    You can even paint vines or leaves or a border, whatever you want, but I would lay out the design lightly with pencil first.

    I did a RV Parking pad with leaf stencils I made and sprayed the entire pad with a spray bottle for a granite look.

    Since it will dye baseboard and cabinets, mask and burnish painters tape first.

    If it has sealer on it, that will have to be cleaned off first.

    • Phyllis Phyllis on Apr 04, 2019

      Wow sounds like a lot of work. Lol i found a primer to use after cleaning the stones and then painting it but scared as hell as don’t want to ruin the stone. I was hoping for a white floor. Oh well

  • Sharon Sharon on Apr 04, 2019

    If they don't look dirty in the other rooms, maybe you need a better cleaner.... I use Dollar Tree Awesome Orange in the half gallon on my clients stone floors in the kitchen and it always gets off the grease and food spills. Then you might use a stone sealer once clean to make it easier to keep clean.

    • See 2 previous
    • Sharon Sharon on Apr 07, 2019

      Maybe its the sealer or wax thats yellowed, not the stone. I would get some sudsing lemon ammonia and rent a floor buffer and give it a go.

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Apr 04, 2019

    It sounds like the stone is stained into the body of the stone. That’s not surprising.

    Even granite is porous.

    Marble is a horrible flooring or kitchen counter stone, as any citrus juices, wine or vinegar will etch it. Travertine is a marble.

    Slate is also porous and spalls off in scales.

    What is the stone?

    If you want to white wash it, it still has to be stripped and raw to accept the white wash.

    • Phyllis Phyllis on Apr 05, 2019

      Thank you so much. I will do this! You are awesome. Problem solved. 😃