Asked on Jun 27, 2012

Attaching mosaic glass or ceramic to glass window panes??

by Julie
Hi, I need advice. I'd like to create my own mosaic (glass or ceramic) on the NINE individual 7"x12" window panes in our front door. Has anyone done this?
We were thinking of placing the mosaic (glued) to a board then screwing the board to the INSIDE side of the door, so you'd see the mosaic on the outside of the door. Each 7"x12" window section would be measured out on the board, so only those parts get the mosaic.
I think gluing the mosaic directly to the windows would look strange from the outside because of the glue --? Right? That's why I didn't mention that idea first...
Make sense? Bit hard to explain! :)
  19 answers
  • 3po3 3po3 on Jun 27, 2012
    Your plan makes sense, except that you are giving up all that sunlight coming in the door, right? Also, what kind of board would you use, and what would it look like on the inside. You will probably spend more time looking at the back of the door when you are inside than you will looking at the front of the door from the outside.
  • I would agree with Steve on this about limiting light. Stained glass is a fun project to do, and you can also create small stain glass designs to the size of each window pane and attach them with some very small brad nails at an angle to keep them in place. There are tons of great stained glass web sites to get you started on this easy and fun hobby.
  • Terri C Terri C on Jun 28, 2012
    why not try this . . and get a stained glass look without blocking the light? There are several ideas here . . and if you really want to do mosaics . . make some picture framed ones to hang up on the walls . . . they also look very nice or even do some floor entryway designs . . .I have many projects I have done and have shared them on my Facebook page - Terri Cardinal-Brooke . . .I am not a professional but have some fun ideas! lol
  • Custom Interiors Custom Interiors on Jun 29, 2012
    Why not think about making stained glass mosaics which will be viewed on both sides and catch light for a beautiful display. You could lay out glass sections on a paper template and design a landscape scene. Maybe more modern or Frank Lloyd Wright-tish. Glue-All from Elmers dries clear as long as the glass pieces are not too large; this adhesive works well for me.
  • Julie Julie on Jul 02, 2012
    Thanks everybody - great ideas! I really love the idea of stained glass so that the light would catch it and we could view it from both sides. Ha, I've only done mosaic work, not stained glass. BUT, that's something I'd like to try. So it'd be my "first attempt" doing this project! However, maybe with my experience in mosaics that would help --? I know it's a different animal though. Great links too! Thanks to all for the advice & ideas, I really appreciate it. Another concern is with security. We're in a 1940 home and remodeling. While updating the front porch, we realized the ugly storm door must go! But as for security, all those windows our wood door (without the metal/glass storm door) could create easy access to the lock/knob... Think the added stained glass or mosaic would provide enough protection or at least a good enough deterrent?
  • Julie Julie on Jul 02, 2012
    In responding to the questions, I did think about the cleaning aspect (SheilaG)-- What a hassle having to unscrew that board every time just for cleaning! Also, what if a mosaic piece fell off? And yeah, what if we did tire of it? All that work for nothing! Great points. SteveG, the board would be something light-weight, and it would fit into the recess the windows create already, making it flush on the inside of the door. But still, I wondered too how this would look on the inside -- and we wouldn't be able to enjoy the art unless outside. No good. Right now it's so dang hot outside in AR, I would never see it! Also great point. Thx again!
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 04, 2012
    I cetainly would like to know what you decide to do, i love the idea and would love to do the same on my south window..or maybe the skylight! keep us informed!
  • Julie Julie on Jul 04, 2012
    I will Bernice, thanks!
  • Julie Julie on Jul 04, 2012
    Anyone who wants to check out some really interesting glass mosaics, check this site out. The artist is a member of HomeTalk too, that's how I found the site. Beautiful stuff. Wow...
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 05, 2012
    Wow! julie...thanks for the site! I love what she has done, and my socks were blown off when I saw the clock! I have a clock almost exactly like that! I cant imagine doing that tho! I wouldnt know where to start! By all means let us know what you come up with, now I am really excited!
  • Originals by Rhonda Originals by Rhonda on Sep 01, 2012
    Julie you can do it. I haven't checked out these links, but you can Google "Mosaic Supplies" on-line and there are some Awesome Suppliers! They can tell you the BEST Adhesive for "glass to glass" installations. I do mosaics with glass, but I nip and break more than I use a glass cutter since I'm suck at it. lol! For what you are doing you will want the same view from Both Sides, so use only stained glass and maybe glass beads that are flat on one side (DO NOT Use the rounded ones because they will not look the same on both sides of glass, plus grouting with un-sanded grout (add extra liquid latex for flex and vibration resistance) will make the panel solid for cleaning. For the ease of installation you could either remove a panel at a time and mosaic it and then re-install ...or cut glass pieces to overlay what is in the door. I am attaching a nipped piece I did for a customer :) Good Luck!
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  • Julie Julie on Sep 09, 2012
    That's awesome Rhonda, thanks!! Since my first post, I've gone around and around with this, trying to figure out what to do. Now we're thinking a new door, something solid. Right now it's the original 1939-40s door and it's really thin --back when things were "safer" in a small town, ha. We have a storm door in addition, but with remodeling, now we want just a door (no storm door), so more safety is desired. HOWEVER, there are windows I'd like to do, and also an interior door that has a huge piece of glass in it, that I'd like to mosaic. Thank you for the encouragement. I will try it now!!! :))
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Sep 10, 2012
    Hey friends..I mentioned above about a clock I think I saw on mandolinmmosaics...but I cant seem to find it. And I didnt save it. And I wanna see it again!!! Can you help?
  • Kathleen M Kathleen M on Sep 20, 2012
    Hi Julie... maybe you are beyond this by now and, Rhonda gave some good advice, and mandolin Mosaic's are great people too ;) but , just in case you are not sick of it yet...I am a mosaic geek so thought I'd pipe in too :) My first suggestion is to go to a thrift store and buy a decent sized frame that has a piece of glass in it. Clean it really well,.Silicone the glass into the frame with clear silicone.Try a mosaic of the sort of design you are thinking of on it BEFORE you commit to the final project. It's a way to get some experience and practice before starting the big project. For an interior piece a good adhesive option is Weldbond, It is white, dries crystal clear, an excellent glass to glass glue. as an aside... I hot glued glass globs to my sliding glass doors in different colors when my grandson was an infant, now he's 9 and has 2 younger cousins who all learned their colors from that slider :) They can be removed and have been as needed lol enjoy your day Kathleen
  • Kathleen M Kathleen M on Sep 21, 2012
    @ Bernice I hope I got it correct...I am doing this from my kindle lol
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Sep 21, 2012
    @kathleen..thank you so much, what a sweetheart to find it for me! NOw, you know that what ever I do will not look like this, but what an idea! I am sure if the clock could talk it would say, I feel pretty , oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay..., oh that mixed up with West Side story. oops but this is beautiful, thank you.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Sep 21, 2012
    @Kathleen...quote ".as an aside... I hot glued glass globs to my sliding glass doors in different colors when my grandson was an infant, now he's 9 and has 2 younger cousins who all learned their colors from that slider :) They can be removed and have been as needed lol " !! what a simple and beautiful idea. I love how folks think outside the box.
  • Kathleen M Kathleen M on Sep 22, 2012
    @ Bernice ... thanks, I try thinking and living outside the box as much as I can. If you need help with mosaicking your clock let me know, done a few myself ;)
  • Julie Julie on Sep 22, 2012
    Hey ladies! Thanks so much for your ideas Kathleen :) That's great. I haven't done anything about the door yet... we're remodeling our 1940 house and there's so much to do, I sort of "shelved it" while I thought about what I want to do. But it's really nice to know I can use the Weldbond and it'll dry clear. Sounds like a plan!! Thanks again ;)