How can I fix my wall around my kitchen sink?

by Barb

I've try contact paper but didn't stay going to paint when i get paint but want a different approach around my sink area & also my cabinets their made out of card board would add a photo but no phone at the moment

  6 answers
  • Patricia Patricia on Jun 09, 2019

    Peal and stick tile cut to your specs

    • See 1 previous
    • Patricia Patricia on Jun 15, 2019

      That’s what I meant. Peak and stick flooring is even at dollar general and family dollar stores

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Jun 09, 2019

    Barb: Patricia's idea is great!

  • Judith bock Judith bock on Jun 09, 2019

    You can spackle the walls. Spackle, let dry, sand to smooth, then paint. Will take several coats of paint. Use gloss or semi-gloss---more water proof. Cardboard cabinets or pressed wood--seal with two coats of matte poly--sand lightly then paint gloss or semi gloss will last longer than flat. It takes time but do it right and it will last a long time.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jun 09, 2019

    Hi Barb, if it is just ugly, go buy the primer KILZ and prime it, from then you can use an alkyd based paint that is more water proof than latex, or buy a high gloss latex, make sure you use silicone or other kitchen and bath caulk at the bottom to seal it, or you can prime and buy the vinyl peel and stick tiles to place there, same thing for painting the cabinets, I know the material you have, you can clean it, prime it and paint with high gloss latex, hope this helps

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Jun 10, 2019

    If there’s water damage causing things not to stick, address that first.

  • Linda Linda on Jun 11, 2019

    Lately people are using dollar store glass beads as a backsplash.

    • See 1 previous
    • Linda Linda on Jun 15, 2019

      Here is the video where I saw someone creating a glass bead backsplash. I am doing this idea on a table. Ill send a photo when I am finished so you can see the final product. If you decide to do this I would love to see it when you are finished.