Window treatmemts

I have never known what to do with these windows. There were curtains on the outsides when we moved in with Venetian blinds. I installed these a few years ago and I'm sick of them.
I was wondering if I could cover these with fabric like I have seen them do with mini blinds? I'm not a fan of ruffles or lace curtains but something a little less masculine would be nice. Excuse the mess we are painting..
  11 answers
  • Kelly Crossway Foster Kelly Crossway Foster on Aug 26, 2014
    Something not brown!
  • I would replace it with something more cheerful. Ikea has some pretty and fun fabrics, like this one. They also have pretty inexpensive rods. Good Luck!
    comment photo
  • Chris aka monkey Chris aka monkey on Aug 27, 2014
    @Kelly Crossway Foster i would assume you could glue fabric to them but it would be messy and not too nice looking i think... i can't tell from picture are they vinyl or bamboo? i have dark brown mini blinds on my windows because of the sun i just shopped around til i found an inexpensive $3 valance i liked and hung them made a world of difference xx
  • Kelly Crossway Foster Kelly Crossway Foster on Aug 27, 2014
    @chris I was thinking about how you take the slats out and make it like a Roman shade. Not sure it would work. I have three of these windows and they look out on my front porch so I need some privacy. I love that fabric julie and YES something more chherful. Would you do curtains or just blinds? I kinda like seeing the woodwork but I have never found shades with pretty fabric.
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Aug 28, 2014
    fabric on top of the blinds would be pretty.I would sew or pin the fabric to the blinds to update the look.
  • Kelly Crossway Foster Kelly Crossway Foster on Aug 28, 2014
    Thank you. Definately need something bright and pretty.:-D
  • NV87 NV87 on Aug 28, 2014
    Is there a privacy issue, do you need to be able to close blinds. If not, I think plain while sheers are very pretty and do lend themselves to some privacy. Or get sheers that have slubs in them if you want to stay away from feminine influence. I love the idea of the roman shades too.
  • I think you can cover these with fabric to look like Roman shades, they may not operate in the same way as before. You may need to add an extra layer to the front side to disguise the slats. This could be an interfacing or maybe a plain flannel would be enough. Good luck!
  • Belinda Todd Belinda Todd on Jan 10, 2015
    Use tension rods on top and bottom inside window frame and make curtains from a pretty printed fabric.
  • Candeelyn Candeelyn on Jan 14, 2015
    Attaching fabric to the mini blinds works well if you choose the right fabric. needs some weight, so not shear. you can do it without sewing too. I have done it and it looks nice and is super easy. There are a lot of tutorials out there. I'm including one link that has good instructions. I find it.s the best way to have roman shades in a fabric you choose, and can be creative with trims,tassles etc.
  • Leslie Leslie on Mar 09, 2016
    Or just paint them. If you like the Roman shade Idea I think there is a tutorial on Hometalk that will walk you through the process of converting draw string shades to Roman. If the tutorial is not on Hometalk just Google you will get hits. Good luck.