How do I tile a shower in my home?

Debbie Spoon
by Debbie Spoon
  5 answers
  • 48017673 48017673 on Oct 29, 2019
    Is it a fiberglass shower? Here’s the process broken down into 9 steps.
  • Toni @ Girl, Just DIY! Toni @ Girl, Just DIY! on Oct 29, 2019

    If the wall is currently blank then you wan't to install some hardy backer board and seam coverage that's intended for water/shower use. Then follow it with installation of the tile. If you've never installed tile before you can either find a good tutorial on Youtube or go to one of the DIY mini-classes they hold at home depot.

  • Bushra Bushra on Oct 29, 2019

    a nice video tutorial for you..

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Oct 29, 2019

    It will depend on whether or not you need to demo current surround but the basic rule is put up cement board and lay the tile starting at the bottom, working your way up. Use spacers to make sure it is uniformly spaced. I prefer pre-mixed mastik, it seems to stick better. Make sure you remove any over spill of mastik before it dries in the spaces. You might want to use painters tape to hold tile in place to make sure they don't slide until the mastik is dry. Once everything is dry, you fill the spaces with grout, wiping and cleaning with a damp sponge. Then seal the grout once it is sealed.

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Feb 15, 2020

    Here are some instructions for newbies