A not-so-scary mummy door

Tape strips of toilet paper to your door, and add dollar store eyes for a mummy that’ll excite all the neighborhood kids. Get tutorial here

This terrifying skull topiary

Slide dollar store skulls onto a PVC pipe to create a frightening topiary for your front porch. Get tutorial here

A ghastly zombie hand

Create a mold of your hand, and then paint it to look like a creepy, bloody zombie hand. Get tutorial here

These eerie chicken wire ghosts

Bend chicken wire into different shapes, and put it in your front yard to make it look like you have a whole gaggle of ghosts there. Get tutorial here

A giant trash bag cobweb

Cut up a trash bag to create a giant cobweb to stick to your window. Get tutorial here

These spooky yard witches

Dress tomato cages in black garbage bags to create terrifying witches for your front yard. Get tutorial here

An adorable flowerpot Frankenstein

Give your porch a fun Halloween vibe with a not-so-scary Frankenstein made from flowerpots positioned to welcome all of your trick-or-treaters. Get tutorial here

This scary witch gnome

Wrap different-textured materials around a tomato cage, and add a hat and plump nose to create a scary witch gnome for your front porch. Get tutorial here