Please I need Ideas how painting my bathroom

by Karjuly
The color of my room is green, dark green the mosaics, the washer the same, all is green, I need to see what color I can painting the walls for make more light, because i see is very dark. i can't change the mosaics, i need Ideas low cost, thanks for read, i hope , you can help me. cheers
is like the bathroom of the left
this kind of green is
  10 answers
  • Trash Find Redesigned Trash Find Redesigned on Sep 05, 2014
    Just a thought... I like the floor but would hammer off the walls and put wainscoting on the walls (which you could paint any color you wanted. We moved into a home with older pink tile and that's what we did - it came out really nice and was inexpensive.
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  • Z Z on Sep 05, 2014
    I love it just the way it is. It's what I'd call a jewel box bathroom. I'm assuming there are other walls that do not have tile?
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Sep 06, 2014
    Actually, This has so much green that it makes it very unique. I agree with Becky...I love it! What you need to do is accent as much as you can with white and make sure you have plenty of light in there. I see a fancy reclaimed chandelier painted white with clear bulbs in there, maybe some dangling sparkles and a plush small white rug to stand on at the sink; I don't know how painting tile holds up, so unless you have the budget to replace everything, work with what you have.
  • Karjuly Karjuly on Sep 10, 2014
    Thanks for answered about my bathroom. I love the green but is much... maybe if I paint in absolute white chance some.
  • Gu3mom Gu3mom on Sep 10, 2014
    The green is awesome! It's not clear where you have space(s) to paint or add/change color. Post some pictures with what you end up doing. Hope you keep the emerald!!
  • Opal Opal on Sep 11, 2014
    I too am liking this bathroom. Are the sink & toilet actually white or off white? If they are off white, I think you could bring out the earth tones around the tub onto the floor (beige throw carpet around the sink). If the sink & toilet are white, then white. I love Jeanettes idea for a chandelier and would also carry that over to the mirror above the sink and maybe frame the mirror to contrast with the green and thereby breaking up the green which would tone it down a little (black frame to match the floor and towel rack or bronze to bring out the earth tones from the tub again). Love the hand by the tub.
  • Rosalie chow Rosalie chow on Feb 04, 2015
    If you paint the tiles, it might ruin the tiles. If you have other walls that are not tiled. You can paint the wall white to tone down the green. You can even put a nice waterproof pictures, it will help. I like the color of the tiles. Thank you for sharing.
  • Pat C Pat C on Feb 08, 2015
    you have beautiful bathroom-don't change a thing-maybe lighting-lucky you!!
  • Cindy Cindy on Oct 11, 2016
    Your bathroom is gloriously gorgeous!!! I'm so envious--you have a unique and special place. Beyond using white or beige rugs, towels, accessories, I wouldn't change a thing. It is WOW!
  • Donna Donna on Dec 31, 2017

    It's beautiful!