stepping stones

Julie F
by Julie F
Any ideas for stepping stones in a raised vegetable garden. I'm going to divide in quadrants
  6 answers
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Sep 15, 2012
    I would go with square pavers over a natural shape will be easier to set up your quads.
  • Julie F Julie F on Sep 15, 2012
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Sep 16, 2012
    It would depend on what flavor your landscape is now. What are you making your raised beds with? You can use gravel( decorative or just plain gray granite) over landscape fabric if they are raised with a box of some type. You can also use cut step flagstone or square pavers as KMS suggests. They will be a bit more labor intensive. How big is your garden area? Another option would be just some mulch (over fabric and maybe 6" deep to prevent weeds ), or I think in your area don't you have that seashell ground cover stuff?
  • Julie F Julie F on Sep 16, 2012
    Great ideas! Thank-you
  • Warren G. Warren G. on Sep 16, 2012
    I have used raise beds in the past and laid out my rows so that I could lay down a plank across the raised bed, walk on the plank to tend to the area within reach on both sides and then move the plank to the next area. The plank was 8" wide 1 1/2 " thick and I placed a piece of "V" shaped tin to the under side, so that it made a small channel in the dirt for irrigation run off. This system worked well as it allowed me to tend to the center of the beds and not disturb or compact the soil in the beds as my weight was distributed over the length of the board. And if you tie a rope onto one end of the plank you can place the end of the plank (standing up) on one side and lower it down into the row to the opposite side.
  • ChrisDee Lerch ChrisDee Lerch on Aug 28, 2018

    I would go to the Craft store ad buy a box of Plaster of Paris with the Stepping Stone mild. Then I would get your children's or family's or even friends to make a stone for them with their hand or foot print on it and when it dries have them paint it and write words that describe them in a POSITIVE WAY that others can quess who they are. Or make the stone and decoupage vegetables or flowers on them with a lil something on them

    Like.....FOR-GET-ME-NOTS... on the back write a memory you had with them that you want them to remember or guess? You CAN HAVE SO MUCH GUN WITH IT! And your kids, family or whomever your doing can help you with it and CREATE ANOTHER FUN MEMORY WITH YOU!! "GO...MAKE FUN MEMORIES YOU CAN AND WILL WANT TO REMEMBER!!!

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