Pictures on my living room wall

Kim S
by Kim S
So after going to A LOT of trouble to hang these pictures (taking the pictures, having them developed, finding small frames, making templates for each one and taping them on the wall to have the holes in the right spots) it turns out that the dang (and I use that work kindly) hooks are not in the center of the frame.
Here is my question: I have had several people tell me that they like the way they look. I (being the one that did it) can decide what I think; so I am hoping you will chime in and tell me what you think. To straighten or not to straighten????
  33 answers
  • Sharron W Sharron W on Nov 12, 2012
    The Pictures are Beautiful, but you have them neatly "grouped" into a rectangle shape and pretty close other words; "organized" that being the case it is distracting to the eye and prevents me from concentrating on any individual picture... To reduce that they can be moved further apart and more radomly hung (at varying heights) or they could be straightened... LOL
  • Chrissy Wittenmeier Chrissy Wittenmeier on Nov 12, 2012
    I think I would prefer them straight. And I think the above comment about further apart is a good suggestion also.
  • Z Z on Nov 12, 2012
    Very pretty individual pictures Kim, but their not being straight would drive me bonkers. I'm the person that gently nudges pictures in place when ever I see them off kilter. I'm with Sharron on placing them further apart too. Personally I like things about four fingers apart. As for rehanging them I'd invest in some 3M Command strips. Make sure you get the right ones for the size of your frames. You actually have a little wiggle room to adjust them once hung too.
  • Sharron W Sharron W on Nov 12, 2012
    Command strips....i couldn't come up with the name of those things for anything Becky!
  • Z Z on Nov 12, 2012
    That's all I'll use anymore Sharron. Well unless it's something REALLY heavy.
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Nov 13, 2012
    I'm a bit on the fence with this one...I like order in most things but the rebel artist in me still takes some risks now and then. If it were only one of two in the group that were crooked it would drive me nuts too. but since most of them are crooked it looks a bit planned. if the frames use "wires" you might be able to make some fine tuning adjustment by twisting the wire a bit more to shorten them if they are too long. It it not impossible to get them all in neat rows but it will take a little time and planning.
  • Cindy Mink Cindy Mink on Nov 13, 2012
    I find myself taking pics of individual flowers in the garden too Kim...I've often pondered how I could enjoy them more, past my computer files! Thanks for the creative idea! I love the quirky randomness...but in the long run, straightened would probably be most appealing! LOL
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Nov 13, 2012
    Oh dear, I am quirky sometimes, and I like the "offness . I agree with @KMS Woodworks ..rebel... quirky..different! They are lovely pictures. And nature is not all neat and tidy and arranged either! ha. But I can understand the problem! Either way they are lovely! This looks planned.
  • Z Z on Nov 13, 2012
    I have to admit that Kevin has a point and in an odd sort of way when I first saw them the odd angles appealed to me. However, I'm very obsessive and compulsive so that part of me soon took over. So if you like them quirky than by all means let them be. If you do suffer from OCD, then you'll probably not be able to live with them this way.
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  • Sharron W Sharron W on Nov 13, 2012
    Now that's funny Becky... @Kim S So the picture attached isn't perfect....I couldn't straighten them...But you get teh idea of how they would look if they were both straight AND further apart... I think they make a much bigger statement... but ultimately you have to decide...LOL
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  • Nothing Nothing on Nov 13, 2012
    cool but a bit to much imo
  • Kim S Kim S on Nov 13, 2012
    Thank you all for your input! I am pretty sure that I will end up straightening them but I will live with them for a while and see if they stop catching my eye every time I walk by because my subconscious keeps saying "something is wrong". I am trying to retrain myself to "let it go"'s a stretch, lets just say that.
  • Marg C Marg C on Nov 13, 2012
    I'm not a fan of them being crooked...I love things a little off like myself ) but this would definitely drive me nuts.
  • B B on Nov 13, 2012
    I have had friends use plastic tack, just a tiny bit. I'm not sure what it would do to the paint though.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Nov 14, 2012
    @Kim S I love how you are trying to adjust! good for you! I have to do that myself every so often, make myself learn to be ok with whatever until i learn it is not the end of the world. ha Then I go ahead and do what I should anyway. But for the moment...I" let it go!" How about some of those famous works of art..Picasso etc...Now that is quirky , and if they are worth buckets of money, your pictures can be off too. However that tacky stuff..I have some behind my pictures ....why? You know why. But the tacky stuff doesnt hurt paint in my experience. Let us know later what you do!
  • Kim S Kim S on Nov 14, 2012
    OCD (as usual) wins again!
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  • Kim S Kim S on Nov 14, 2012
    I like them further apart too. I didn't notice that until just now. Must think on it more.......
  • Sharron W Sharron W on Nov 15, 2012
    @Marg C LOL! @Kim S Well they definately look better to me straight...but I'm still a fan of further apart....I think it allows you to appreciate each picture individually without it competing with the one next to it, AND take a step back and appreciate them as a grouping as well; and finally I think they would be more proportionate to the size of your sofa and making the wall look "complete".
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Nov 15, 2012
    one step further along....
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Nov 15, 2012
    @KMS Woodworks AAAWWWWW Kevin we dont get to have our quirky way with her. She couldnt dea'l with it! hahahaha I have a friend like that too. She would have to take pills to deal with stuff off like that! Ok @Kim S We understand! But it didn't take you long ! I have a "gallery wall" (fancy name, huh?)..and it also is making me look at it like, something is off here, what else can I do with it.. I have been shopping around the house...but it is still as it was. Can''t figure it out. Well, post another picture....with them spread out. They are so pretty! But I had a mischievous thought could have invited all your OCD friends for lunch and drinks and just watch them squirm! snicker!
  • If you are looking to create interest, try arranging them in a pattern that does not result in a perfect square. The wall is not perfectly square so one big square appears out of sink with the rest of the shape. That would spread them out more and follow the long horizontal line of the sofa.
  • Vivian S Vivian S on Nov 23, 2012
    Kim, Kass (above) might be on to something. I was thinking that you might make the frames stretch more across the space above the couch rather than in a square. Consider making rectangles of black construction paper that imitate the size of the frames and experiment with the shapes by taping the papers on the wall. Your photos are lovely
  • CeeJai CeeJai on Dec 14, 2012
    Pictures are great... what if you built a large frame to surround the whole set and leave enough room so the wall color still shows through???
  • Suzy Myers Suzy Myers on May 26, 2013
    Ok I admit it I am OCD about my pics hanging straight. I always use 2 nails at same level so they will never be messed up by a bump, etc....
  • Jennifer M Jennifer M on Jun 02, 2013
    I like
  • Jennifer M Jennifer M on Jun 02, 2013
    no I really do like them crooked?
  • Lori Lori on Dec 27, 2014
    It was fun reading all the comments on this little post. Everyone has an opinion and shows how interesting we all make the world. There is no use adding mine, there is a bit of me in several of the comments. The one thing is, if you leave them all crooked, you won't always be straightening this one or that one every time you walk by. They are just crooked enough not to trigger my OCD.
  • Rita Corazza Rita Corazza on Dec 27, 2014
    I did the same thing, more because there was nobody to help me at that time... LOL
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  • L L on Dec 27, 2014
    I am very OCD, so when I saw you had straighten your photos, it was a relieve for me. LOL! Only thing I would change is how close together they are. I usually hang my groupings approx. one hands width apart or slightly closer. I prefer the smallest of nails, as I change my decor that often, so I use (sticky tack), it is yellow in color. Not the white stuff like putty, as that stains the walls. After I have taken my level and have it evened out, I take just a small piece and place it on the inside bottom of frame, to hold the picture in place. I purchase my sticky tack from either an office supply store, or craft store in their picture hanging area. It leaves no marks when removed.
  • Anna Marie A Anna Marie A on Jan 14, 2015
    Leave them be, They are and you are Original! And, they look great like this. We can all be perfect. It is great when perfect is different to us all. to me, They are perfect. The symmetric way they are all facing to me is perfect. May i suggest that you frame the entire collection with molding making it look like a large picture of a collection of pictures?
  • Meemoo Meemoo on Mar 15, 2016
    It looks wonderful!! Keep them as close as they are ! That is what is making the unique crookedness look so symetrical and perfect!
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Mar 16, 2016
    I love this! Absolutely keep unless you are going nutso over their uniqueness! I have a friend this would drive crazy but I love it's quirkiness and whimsy! Life is too serious to be taken so seriously! IMHO! Love it quirky! Conversation piece!
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Mar 16, 2016
    Me again.....Oh for goodness sakes....this post is from now I wonder what did she do? I am still going to save this because I think it is unique. @ miriam....