Asked on Jun 27, 2015

I need step by step instructions for painting and distressing

by Jsu1877599
I have a few tables that I want to distress and paint but I need step by step instructions, including product suggestions and all the right tools.
  5 answers
  • PaintedPetals PaintedPetals on Jun 29, 2015
    I can help you out its actually a lot easier then you think you can look up my name to see my work
  • Jackie Huston Jackie Huston on Jun 29, 2015
    This site has very nice options/examples or try Pinterest.
  • Darlene Blanton Darlene Blanton on Jun 30, 2015
    I just did my first chalk paint piece, a headboard that I wanted slightly distressed. I was a bit nervous, but it was way easier than I thought. You need chalk paint, chalk paint wax (I bought both at home depot...paint was about $8 and was about $11), a good paint brush (I used Purdy brand 2 1/2 in angled), lint free rags (not the will need more than one or two), and patience. The paint coats should be super thin. It doesn't handle like regular wall paint and it's easier to add more than take some off. I'd recommend starting in a place you won't see, so you can get the feel. I did two coats and I found long, light strokes gave me the effect I wanted. After the two coats were dry, I lightly sanded a few places with a fine grit sand paper, wiped down the entire piece really well to remove dust, then applied the wax. The wax was actually the trickiest. Some people paint it on with a brush than rub it off. I found I liked wiping it on with a rag and rubbing it off with a different rag. Working in good light, where I could get a nice glare and see where I was blotchy, helped. I did two coats of wax, but if you're going to be using the pieces as more than display, you may need more wax. You can buff the wax shiny if you want. I chose not to because it just wasn't the look I wanted. This is the paint I used (serene is the color):, I have probably half the jar, maybe more, left. Here is the wax:, and I have probably over half the jar of that left. Depending on how distressed you want, you can also apply a dark finish wax over the clear. Like I said, I wanted mine only slightly distressed and a nice matte finish. Best of luck, I'm sure your pieces will come out great!
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  • Jsu1877599 Jsu1877599 on Jul 07, 2015
    I want to thank all of you for responding to my question. I've looked at each of your suggestions & they are all great. unfortunately, I've been very busy and haven't had a chance ti try them yet. I finally bought the chalk paint & tonight I'm going to start my piece!. I will take b4 & afters & keep you all posted. Again, thanks to everyone. Judi
  • Jsu1877599 Jsu1877599 on Jul 07, 2015
    Im still getting all the supplies & haven't had a chance to start my piece yet. I will definitely keep everyone that responded posted. Thanks again. Always open to new ideas & duggestions. I LOVE SHABBY CHIC!