How to convert a porch swing into a bench seat?

by Anita

I have a fantastic porch swing and 20 cement cinder blocks. Any ideas on how I can make a bench seat using these items?

  4 answers
  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on Jul 01, 2019

    Hi Anita, this is Peggy. Here is how to convert your porch swing into a bench. Porch swing converted to a bench....we had an extra swing so my dad ...

    Old porch swing bench Backyard Designs, Backyard Ideas, Porch Swing, Basement ...... It's like they're turning into little balls of energy I can scarcely control.

  • Janice Janice on Jul 01, 2019

    Hi Anita, you can use the cinder blocks as the base at each end of the bench and maybe another two in the middle, depending on how long the swing is. It would take ome measuring to insure the blocks' outside edge is in the right area. Here's a video tutorial using blocks and instead of the board you could place your already built swing. Hope you share your project as it seems it will be pretty cool! :)

    • Anita Anita on Jul 01, 2019

      Hi Janice! I did see this video and I love what he did (and I loved the nosy chickens)! It's just that I have set up the cinder blocks several ways and, no matter the orientation, it kind of looks "white trashy". When I find the right orientation, I want to paint and stencil the cinder blocks, so that will go a long way in making it look a little classier, but I just can't find the right layout for the blocks!

  • Janice Janice on Jul 01, 2019

    Hi Anita, I get it....sometimes the ideas e dream up becomes difficult to put into accomplishing. I agree that painting the cinder blocks and stenciling will make it a bit more classy. Do you think painting the blocks and the swing the same color, stenciling the blocks and then perhaps stenciling a couple of pillows might make them blend together better? Sounds like a fun project and I know you'll figure it out.

    • Anita Anita on Jul 01, 2019

      Yes! And it will be a fun project...just gotta figure out the layout of those dang cinder blocks! Yes, I will definitely post a pic when it is finished!

  • Laurie Ann Laurie Ann on Dec 17, 2021

    Anita..did you ever work this out? I need to do this and would love to see yours.