Clean headrest of hair oils on upholstered chair

by Nch26368693
Headrest is stained by body oils on my recliner.

  5 answers
  • Ken Ken on May 24, 2018

    Head oil stain on Recliner
  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on May 24, 2018

    Buy fabric placemats that match or coordinate with the chair. Attach Velcro on the headrest and on the placemats. When the placemats gets dirty, replace it with another and launder. The Velcro makes it easy to change the placemats when dirty.

  • 27524803 27524803 on May 24, 2018

    try a little Simple green... on it .... less is better... easier to rinse off...

  • Ardale Ardale on May 25, 2018

    I just mix up a gallon of warm water mixed with upholstery shampoo and use a scrub brush and old wash rag wringing out repeatedly as I go until all the oils are gone. Then once clean rinse with warm clear water and let dry. You can also put a fan blowing on it to hasten the drying time. My husband has oily skin and hair so once his recliner is clean and I drape a towel over the back of his chair but a nice throw or blanket would also work to help keep the area oil free so next time all you will have to do is throw the towel or blanket in the washing machine and let it do the dirty work. LOL