How to clean a canvas patio swing and table unbrella

Joanne Marand
by Joanne Marand
I have a beige color canvas outdoor patio swing and matching table umbrella, that over the years of being exposed to outdoor elements, have what looks like some mildew. Also tree sap. Does anyone know how to make them as good as new again?
  5 answers
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Apr 20, 2015
    How you tried a light power washer?another idea if you don't have a power washer,is to try oxiclean with a sprayer and rinse with a hose.that should remove most of your stains and clean them up
  • Joanne Marand Joanne Marand on Apr 20, 2015
    I'll try the oxiclean idea first, then will use canvas paint if that does work, thanks
  • Cathy C Cathy C on Apr 20, 2015
    you might try a vinyl cleaner meant for cars. I did this on my shower walls and it worked perfect. I can't remember the product I used as it was something that was already here and a long while ago. If you think about all the weather and abuse a vinyl car roof takes it might work well on your outdoor swing.
  • Luann Luann on Apr 20, 2015
    Any bathroom mildew cleaner will work. I live in Florida where it rains and is wet all the time so we get this green mildew all the time on outside furniture. Also the Simple Green from Dollar Tree works😀 and it's cheap spray let it sit and spray off
  • Marge Shay Marge Shay on Apr 20, 2015
    There is fabric paint out there, pick a color that wouldn't show the stains or mildew so much.