How do you get the shine back into subway tile?
I have tried several cleaning methods but everything leaves the tile dull. How can I revive the shine?
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Assuming here that the tile is clean and you have a slight haze on the tile: have you tried using a slightly damp microfibre cloth? Buy a cheapie one at the discount store. Very light dampen the cloth on one side, go over the tile and then dry it with the other end.
Hi Vickie,
Have you tried vinegar & water to clean your tile? Also do you dry it thoroughly then polish it with a dry cloth? Sometimes cleaning ingredients leave behind a residue that needs to be rinsed and polished. Here's an article from Hunker that might help. Wishing you the best.
Look for a product called Gel-Gloss. It is a cleaner and polish. I used it on a very deglossed shower and it worked amazingly. In the past I’ve also used an Amway product called Silicone Glaze. Good luck.
Alcohol bath after mopping. Dry your floor. Use Mop&Glow over the entire thing & it'll shine. For a shinier shine, once your first coat is completely dry, repeat with a 2nd coat. Let it dry overnight.
Equal parts of vinegar and water mixed together and sprayed onto the tiles should clean, then dry well with a microfiber cloth. Be sure to dry complete with the cloth and the tile should shine like new.
Try using warm water and vinegar. If there is any cleaning residue from before this should remove it.
Does the tile have a glaze on it or is it porous? If it's glazed then I'd use Gel Gloss as someone else mentioned. If it is porous, you would get shine from a polyurethane or similar type of product with a shiny finish. Both can be found at a hardware store in the cleaning and paint departments respectively.
Gel Gloss is a great idea after cleaning with vinegar and water solution. Pledge used to make a spray for shining appliances like your refrigerator/stove. You need to protect whatever is beneath your tile. I would go with Gel Gloss.
just wiping it DRY after cleaning will help a ton.
Amazon has a product called Jubilee kitchen wax that puts a nice shine on my kitchen counters. I bought this for tears at my supermarket, but now only find it at Amazon. Worth a try.
Jubliee kitchen wax can be purchased from many sources (even Walmart), check the internet. I use jubliee on everything-painted white cabinets, door frames, fiberglass shower. It's an amazing product.
Did you try a kitchen wax?